
Is Carter at the DNC to Celebrate his "444 Days of Victory in Iran"?

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Is Carter at the DNC to Celebrate his "444 Days of Victory in Iran"?




  1. democrats always praise and lift on high their losers,losing is how you advance in the donky party!!

  2. I guess he should have just given them weapons like Reagan did in return for hostages.

    Wonder where the weapons that are killing our troops today came from. . .

  3. if protesters get out of hand outside carter is there as the 'honorary white flag bearer' as the party of wimps will surrender to the weirdos  

  4. No, he's there to celebrate his 4 year economy only being better than the Great Depression.

  5. Funny how they haven't had him speak.  

  6. Ha ha ha ha good one, right on!!

  7. Um... no, he's there because he's a prominent Democrat and he just happened to be a president of this nation.  His strategy of negotiation worked, but that was day 445.  The one you people always manage to forget.

    And he probably has spoken/will speak, but he's not a keynote speaker so we don't get to see it on television.

  8. carter was the best, and still is. why don't you do a little research and find out what happened on day 445 and the rest of the raygun years. start with ollie north and his swift dealings

  9. Probably, lord knows that crazy idiot does and says a lot of stupid things.

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