
Is Chanel a white girls name?

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not to be racist..but i dont think ive ever heard a caucasian girl named chanel..only african american...i love the name but is it a white girls name?




  1. i love that name! Its defiantely not a uni-race name (if that makes sense!)

  2. I don't think it really matters, honestly. It's a very nice name for any little girl.

    The only time ethnic names seem a little uncomfortable or ridiculous to me is when it's a VERY traditional ethnic name on someone who is obviously not that ethnicity - like a blond Caucasian girl named Chizuko (Japanese). Then I find it cringe-worthy - but still the parents' choice.

    If you really like the name, go with it, it doesn't matter if it's ethnically matched.

  3. It is both white and black girls name

  4. Yes I think it would fit a while girl as well as a black girl.*

  5. Its an any girls name. I've known a white girl and a black girl with the name.  Cocoa Chanel was white lady.

  6. Well, Coco Chanel was French.

    I think Chanel is a beautiful name! And a cool brand too LOL.

    Chanel works for all ethnic backgrounds.

  7. there is no color is a name.

    if u like it then use it !

    simple as that!

  8. there is a reality star over here in the UK called Chanel but its spelt Chanelle, she is white.

  9. My mom would have named my brother Chanel if he was a girl, and our family is Caucasian. I don't think it matters...if you like the name, go for it...I don't see what all the hub bub is about the whole black name/white name anyway!

  10. well like obama there are many half black and half white people so the names now over lap.what one might think is strictly a black name or a white name just does not exist in reality any more.

    our people are a very blended nation so our names are too,i hope this answered your question!

  11. haha! I went to high school with a girl named Chanel, except she spelled it Chanelle, and she was white (like everybody in my little redneck town, lol!!!) blonde hair, blue eyes, size 0 jeans, the whole works, so yes, I think it can be a white girl's name too.

    just my two cents ;)

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