
Is Chelsea Clinton using the right..."definition" of her mothers character Shouldnt she use Hillary's record?

by Guest62015  |  earlier

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Clinton said she defines her mother's character by issues such as health care reform, and how her failed reform efforts early in her husband's presidency didn't stop her from continuing to pursue the issue.

simply put...whats wrong with using as an assesment tool for character Hillary's involvment in...

travelgate, filegate, whitewater, cattle gate, the montana land grab, the vince foster coverup, the rental of the lincoln bedroom, campaign finance fraud 2000, support of the largest tax increase in us history(Bill Clinton term) support of the taxation of social security, intial support of nafta and gatt, chinagate, peter paul, "lack of knowledge of"(yeah right) jennifer, paula, monica, etc.

chelsea ...quoting

But when I think about character for a public official, I think about (response) to both success and failures.

exactly my point when is enough enough?




  1. Clinton's record is exemplary.    Not to mention what a great job her husband did running our country.

  2. Chelsea Clinton is ridicolous! She does a horrible job companing for her mother and a wonderful job complaining! She gives a ****** answer if someone asks about her husband and Monika, like that shouldn't be asked. She even gives a bit.chy response to Clinton supporters that ask how that has made her stronger. Chelsea is doing nothing but hurting the campaign in a time where it doesn't need to be hurt.

  3. lol - you are correct. her failure to perform as promised in he healthcare arena is no better than the other items you mentioned.   i believe and have always from day one believed her venture into healthcare was designed to give the hmos and insurance companies everything they asked for from day one.

    and since that was exactly the outcome, i have no reason to believe i was wrong.  we, the public, didn't even make it to the score board.

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