
Is Chemistry important for a pilot?

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other than math, geography, & physics...

Is there any other subject important too? I mean for a pilot!

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  1. Physics would be a little more useful. I took an aviation physics/ aerodynamics class it college and really liked it.

  2. Probably not.

    I think chemistry is mostly important to like, doctors, like a pharmacist.

    Pilot, I think you'd need to know geometry, mapping, and anything else that includes distances, traveling c**p. You know what I mean

  3. only if the co-pilot is g*y

  4. It would not be.

  5. No. There is no science to flight.

  6. No its not ,, just you need to have some knowledge with physics and mathematics ,,,

  7. I do not believe that it would be a mandatory class in any aircraft

    pilot training course other than the Air Force Academy.

  8. Not too much chem in flying. . .more physics and mechanics and a understanding of weather and stuff.

  9. No, not at all, but it is very hard to get hired by a major airline if you do not have a college degree, and most curriculums for an Associate or Bachelor of Science degree require at least one course in chemistry.

  10. Yes, but not an understanding of chemistry.

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