
Is Chest, Back and stomach hair disgusting on a guy? ?

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Is Chest, Back and stomach hair disgusting on a guy? is it a turn off?




  1. yes

  2. it's not gross at all, but yeah it's a turn off, guys with no body hair are hot... like michael phelps.

  3. sometimes. if your obese than yeah if not it sis ok. it nature

  4. It is a definite turn off for me, but if the guy in question happens to be someone I love, then no worries at all.

  5. i don't mind it but some girls do... fat hairy guys are bad though so if you are fat and hairy lose weight haha but yeah i don't know some girls just don;t like hair on guys. i think it is manly and guys without hair look girly lol

  6. Well, i shave mine.i think girls like it when were total clean and smooth.

  7. It depends.  Personally, I'm not a big fan, but lots of people find it very attractive.

  8. well it depends...some girls like guys with lots of hair. I dnt but that's just me.

  9. I guess it depends on whether you are really fat or or really a bear in disguise.  Chest and stomach hair isn't too bad, but lots of back hair is really gross.

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