
Is Chi, internal strength, iron palm, etc really attainable???

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How long will it take to master it?




  1. Both are attainable despite what many may claim. Chi is merely our bodies' natural energy, some claim it is the bioelectric pulse that medical science has already proven exists, while others claim it is the energy or aura created by our souls. Chi can be manipulated by breathing exercises, specific body movements, and the massage/striking of pressure points on the body. Look up Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Acupuncture, and Dim Mak (to name a few) to learn more about chi. Iron palm is different than just Chi manipulation in that it involves physical training as well. Iron Palm involves hand conditioning by thrusting hand and fingers into vats of sand or dried beans to harden the outside layer skin. Look it up on google and there should be information about it.

  2. Yes, they are eminently attainable. Start meditating first. Take the first step before you find out the whole schedule about how long it takes to master them.

    Sit with your eyes closed in a comfortable position and then don't move even one millimetre for one hour.

    Think of just one thing while you do this. Example: Your doorknob, your toenail, one cornflake, the moon etc.

  3. chi, internal strength, yes... iron palm, no...

    check out "tai chi".. i have been practicing this slow and graceful exercises for the past years and it gives me inner strength and it enhances health.. but you should practice it first with a good instructor to focus on the precise execution of these exercises to avoid injury and for chi to circulate perfectly inside you.. good luck!

  4. chi yes start by studying tai chi and meditate. iron palm ,iron body ect. is just the mater of condititoning. there are many ways of toughtening your self. and raising your tolerance to pain. there are to many to list here. but email me and ill tell you witch methods i use.

  5. Yes but only certain masters can truly show you it...

    All these other guys will have you practicing c**p for 30 years in order to do something that is only moderately impressive.

    My system will have you master it in a much shorter time and be ten times more powerful than these 60 year old Chi masters who never bothered to look at ALL Chil building across all arts and combine them into a Chi Mixed Martial Art.

    I am talking about Chi MMA. My Chi enhancement system will truly change your life.

    Paypal account is Judomofo...

    For 200 dollars I can send you the first video tape of my series of building up Chi. Provided you sign a contract to not divulge any secrets of the tape to anyone else, and are willing to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement.

    It is an incredibly complex series but I assure you that you will feel a noticeable build up in chi, feel better, healthier, and depending on how advanced you want to get with my series eventually you can learn to develop nearly superhuman abilities.

    It is not for the faint of heart, but it will absolutely help you build you chi to unbelievable levels.

    These are my is important to do them in each step as this is dangerous and deadly stuff..

    Harnessing and developing the power of Chi, unleashing the power of the Universe series:

    Video one: I teach you the basics of Chi, how to begin to recognize it within yourself, and the very basic postures, exercises and activities to start to understand how to develop it.

    Video two: Again a refresher of one, explaining how Chi affects everything around you, including your health and the health of others. I teach you our "Growing Flower" exercise, the first of many to begin to build up your threshold for storing Chi. I will also teach you my "Lotus blossom" technique to prepare you for actually building your chi. By the end of 6 weeks of this video series, you will begin to see and feel the benefit.

    Video 3 (this costs 300 dollars as we are starting to get serious and I want to seperate those who wish to do well from those who wish to do harm). A personality and profile quiz to help find out where you rank as far as Chi capacity, and the ability to generate Chi (some naturally are able to build more than others) Also a review of vids one and two. Again we will talk about how Chi can be drawn from the earth, or from your environment.. The "Sitting Buddha" method is introduced, and your first true Chi building begins. This will be a small introduction to more advanced techniques that build Chi quicker, but initially you can only build so much chi at once, for your body can only take so much at this early stage.

    Again, 6 weeks into going over this video tape, you can begin seeing auras, recognizing strong spots of Chi, meridians, and the like...

    I won't begin to discuss the other videos or manuscripts with anyone as past this point is strictly secret to our art and society. But if you reach the level of Video 3, you can be inducted and we can teach and show you things that you can only dream about and that make Naruto and other such c**p seem like Childsplay....

    Again.. contact me for the paypal info, and we can work something out.

    You can ask Katana172, Frank the Tank, and some other members here as far as testimonials. They can speak for what I have done with their Chi building....

  6. They are both obtainable.

    However, Iron Palm is a liability.  You can easily win almost any fight without it, and if you seriously injure someone because your hand is that tough, self-defense flies out the window and YOU may be the one going to jail.

    Remember that techniques like Iron Palm were meant not to injure, but KILL your opponent.  It comes from the days before terms like self defense and excessive force were not legal terms.  There is nothing wrong with conditioning, but too much makes you look like you want a fight.

    But terms like "master" are misleading.  Profeciency is what obtain-mastery is the unobtainable goal of perfection in our art.  That drives us.

  7. You will never master it.

    Yes it is attainable.

    Chi is breath and the power of life.

    Iron palm is the strengthening of the hands and learning to strike.

    Internal strength requiers mental disapline and  time.

  8. Behold the power of 'Chi'

  9. It is certainly attainable.  

    You can get a decent iron palm (maybe a wood palm lol) in 100 days with the right training techniques and Dit Dou Jow.   Essentially it "hardens" everything, and keeps the area from bruising.  You will still feel it, but only at the time of impact.  You will sometimes be able to hurt someone just because you blocked.  Currently I can take a very hard strike to the shin or arm with a staff and have no bruise.  Working now on Iron Shirt.

    Chi is your inner energy, that is very difficult to learn to feel then control.  Think of it as the electricity that powers your muscles.  As others have said, it can NOT exit the body.  It really is amazing stuff, though I have been concentrating on attaining Chi control for over 3 years, and can only now finally begin to barely move my Chi around.  Nothing like when my Sifu uses his.  It really is cool.   Chi and Breath Control are related, but they are completely different.  You must learn to control your breath before you can even begin feeling your Chi.  Mastery of Chi control takes many many years of focus and training.

    Internal strength is a pretty simple idea that is hard to actually do.  It is simply using your complete body to attack and defend.  IE, when you strike, your whole body weight is behind the punch.  It involves connecting all of your body in the moment before the strike, then disconnecting it again to be soft, fluid, and fast.

    It is all like everything else in the world,  the longer you do it (correctly), the better you will get.

  10. yes and no will never ever ever be able to shoot chi balls out of your palm cant really knock something over through a wall or move someone without touching them.

    chi is controlled by your you run a're tired and have no're out of breath. it isn't something mystical or any of that nonsense.

    to me chi/ki/qi/prana just a way of explaining things. it isnt literally some strange mystical force that resides in our bodies.

    iron palm is simply conditioning your bones over a period of time by hitting things. simple physics. yes its attainable, i've seen people thrust their fingers into ripe watermelons...dont try hurts lol

  11. depends on your definition of "chi".

    is "magic" real?

    david copperfield kind yes, its slieght of hand type of stuff, but merlin the magician turning people to toads is not (but then again- modern science hasn't been able to explain the existance of pauly shore....).

    seriously though- the problem with chi is that some people refer to it as a more realistic and attainable or scientific thing and its just a poorly translated catchall term to describe one of the following (or something similar):

    - adrenalin rush

    - proper technique and structure to increase the power you generate (boxer's do this, so there is nothing "magical" about maximizng your striking power or learning leverage in a non chinese martial art).

    - better health and blood flow leading to better conditioning (lance armstrong and jack la laine were born with crazy amounts of chi then.....) and all the kenyans who always win the marathons.... but that "conditioning" and better body function through better health translates to better endurance for fighting.

    as far as the Illogical and baloney uses of "chi" a few are:

    - bieng able to perform superhuman feats of stregth that fall more into the realm of spiderman and superman than "olympic powerlifter" or "olympic class athelete" are baloney things. things that defy the laws of physics as well. If you want magic go dress like a hobbit and find a nice lord of the rings LARPing group (live action role-playing)- might I suggest the SCA?

    - no touch ko's or similar mystical mumbo-jumbo.

    - chi-force fields.

    for your viewing pleasure I have included the customary yellow bamboo and george dillman videos to find out what happens when merlin the magician's type of chi meets reality.

    (yellow bamboo- chi forcefield)

    (dillman- and his excuse, this was on national geographic and debumked by real scientists)

    bugs bunny demonstrates how even his chi can have a bad day when he loses his mojo....

  12. yeshhh

  13. I used to be a skeptic about chi. Until I met a 9th degree grandmaster. There are things that he can do that i would have thought impossible in terms of power and conditioning. So, just think of it as a training method. If your master is a great fighter, just follow his methods, choose to believe.

    As for iron palm is just a conditioning technique to get your palm as hard as iron when you want to use it as a weapon. Similarly the Muay Thai has iron shin. You are looking at about 6 months of conditioning before you can use it. it would get stronger and harder as years to come. Nothing amazing about it, just like iron shin conditioning of the Thai.

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