
Is Chicago a good idea??

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I am eighteen years old and I really want to move out of Massachusetts next year for a change of scenery. I've heard Chicago is really nice and my friend is interested in moving there too. I am going to school this year for medical billing/coding and photography and I just wanted some opinions on if this is a good idea. I'm really into the music and having a good time does Chicago have good venues and such?? Just all around would anyone recommend Chicago to a young adult??

Thanks in advanced for any help you give me!!




  1. of course, chicago is Fantastic

  2. As the person above me mentioned, take a trip to see what you think, if you haven't already been here before. But, keep in mind that living in Chicago and VISITING are not the same thing. When you visit a city you have tons of free time for recreation and enjoying all the great things about the city. When you live in a city you spend most of your time in school and working.

    Whether or not you like Chicago often depends on what you can afford, and therefore, where you live.  If you can only afford to live on "the low end" you probably won't like it very much.

    While you're in school is a good time to check out the city because when you're in school it's easy to get student housing so that you have a place to live and if you decide you don't like it once you finish school, you could always move back home or move to a different city.

    If you can afford it, then yes, Chicago has a lot to offer.

  3. yeah

  4. I live about 30 minutes out of the city... and love to visit. If i didn't have kids I would move there in a heart beat!!! There is always something to do! Lots to see, lots to do.   Festivals, museums, etc,

  5. dude i live in chicago. and it great .yea chicago is a good idea


  6. chicago is awesome, but it would be better if you were 21

  7. Like someone else said, Chicago is better if you're 21. Someone 19 years old living here on their own will most likely A) not have a lot of money to spend (doubtful a 19 year old could get a job making that much money) and B) wouldn't find a lot of places to hang out other than the beach (in the summer), and a few other places. There are a couple of places that have live music that let in 18 year old and up (The Abby Pub, Reggie's Rock Club, a few concerts at the Metro and House of Blues) but most places are 21 and over. And it will be even harder to have a good time here if you're trying to go to school too. Why not wait until you finish school and THEN move here. It will only be a couple more years until you're 21, right?

  8. I'd wait until your 21.  Why don't you and your friend plan a trip to Chicago to visit then you'll see if you like it or not for yourselves.

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