
Is Chicago the only city that plays softball barehanded?

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I know Chicago created the game of 16" softball and they've dominated the game for years. I heard that a lot of cities across the country actually play this game with gloves though, is that true? Why would you play 16" softball with a glove?




  1. they don't play 16" with a glove, they just have hard ball that look like 16 inch clinchers, I have a 14 inch hard clincher, there are MANY, MANY, MANY, variations to softball.

  2. In some leagues in Chicago you can use a glove playing 16 inch softball.Royko is rolling over in his grave.I've lived around the country and Chicago seems to be the only place where when you say "softball" you mean 16 inch.

  3. Well for nationals tournaments, they do play with a glove with a 16" ball sometimes. I know b/c i have done it. But we arent the only ones. I have played in tournaments in Arizona a couple times. It is rare especially on the east coast. People in Boston and even Michigan look at you like your retarded when you show them the ball.

  4. you don,t play 16 " with a glove  you play 14" with a glove and that fast pitch  i play 16" and got the bent finger to prove it

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