
Is Child Day Care Management equivalent to Early childhood education?

by Guest21567  |  earlier

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Hello! i was wondering if taking a Child Day Care Management course is the equivalent to taking an Early Childhood Education course!?! Thanks!




  1. Great question ... and, as you may expect, the two are quite different but also confused as somewhat the same.

    The answer is actually contained with your question, that is, the words "management" and "education" are the differences in the subject matter.

    Generally,Child Day Care Management is about the "business" end of child care ... that is, all the attendant issues (from local, state, and federal laws governing the facility, educators, staff, insurance, etc. to the hiring policies to fill positions; and, least we forget, the system for billing and receiving payments -and paying employees [taxes, too]).

    On the other hand, Early Childhood Education focuses on the "discipline" of educating young children -from the physiological (developmental) and psychological (emotional) to the techniques to help build basic skills and knowledge sets (words, concepts, being "nice" to one another, etc.)

    It is always quite helpful before enrolling for any course to -at a minimum- review the corse description in a catalog and then follow up with specific questions about what you read in the catalog.  Sometime you may even be able to get a blurb or abridged syllabus from the instructor before making your commitment to a course.

    I hope this information is helpful ... good luck!

  2. I am thinking it is diffrent from state to state.

    BUT in my opinion I think it might work as a ECE credit.

  3. No. Management involves the business end of the business-dealing with licensing, personell issues, money etc. while Early Childhood Education courses involve children and curriculum. If you want to run your own center you need training in both!

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