
Is Child Study Team suppose to help students over come learning disabilities?

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I have a huge problem with reading. I can't remember what I read and I have huge troubles trying to comprehend stories and long reports. I'm currently under a Special Education program and I'm just woundering is it Child Study Team's responsibility to help me over come that problem? I'm getting very upset with that program because their not helping overcome this problem I have. They had soo many years to try to fix it, but it seems they care more about labeling then helping me, which is making me very depressed. I'm also thinking about sueing them once I graduate high school, because of all the stress their putting me through.




  1. The CST determines which methods may best help you in general ed classes or whether to refer you for assessment in consideration of qualifying for special ed classes.  If you are still exclusively in general ed classes, then the CST should have a role to play in recommending how to be successful given your disability.  

    Try to remember that we all probably have some set of disabilities.  Some do not affect our ability to do well in general ed classes.  Some affect us only a little and we may be able to get help with small changes from our general ed teachers.  Sometimes our disabilities may require more intense support like from a RSP or SDC teacher.  If you have qualified for RSP or SDC special education services (or other special ed services), then the CST has effectively transfered responsibility basically to the special education experts.

    Regarding suing, such a threat whether actually followed through with or not does not help you in my opinion.  If you fell stress about school (most of us do), being part of legal actions usually adds more stress.  That being said, always be willing to share your feelings, wants, needs, likes, and dislikes with your parents and teachers.  Never be afraid to ask for help.  This is called self-advocacy and is an important life skill.  The only people who get help are those that want it.  Teachers usually love students that want to learn.

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