
Is China a Super Power Nation?

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What do you think about China? Are they a developed nation like the USA or a developing nation like India. With the present hype of Olympics, are they trying to do a fake show that they are already a Super Power?




  1. it's a c**p!!!

  2. china will be super power in few years. their leadership is dedicated to the nation, not to self,like india. one can see from planning of olympic. in just five years from scratch they build such beautiful things.  

  3. Yes China is a  super power nation and not developed like USA but more develop from India. If USA is super power than China is 2nd super power.

  4. no, china is definitely not a super power yet but it is moving towards it.they are still a developing nation.the true nature of the Chinese empire is hard to tell because of their close door policy. regarding olympics, yes i truly believe that they are faking it as reported by news agencies world wide

  5. In terms of their wealth, yes.  

  6. No doubt in china becoming super power, USA dont have more no of sources to build the economy than china. I will bet u within 5 years down the line china will be super power..  

  7. Define super power--economically ,military,both?

    As an economic power they are 3rd behind US ,Japan (4th if you count California separately)

    The US is the biggest buyer of chinese goods and also the their largest debtor so basically we got them right where we want them.

    As a military power they spend enormously on military stuff for the same reason,  to infuse money into their economy.

    China, historically has never had an expansionist policy and have no need for it now. They can buy every thing they need so they don't have to secure territory.

    They are building a large navy,always had a large army, air force..not so much to worry about, yet.

    As far as their infrastructure picture the US developed only along the Atlantic coast.

    The 'father' leaders have lightened up and allowed personal property expansion but they still have their eye on the masses in regard to having absolute control just because of the number. They are walking a fine line and are succeeding only because most chinese are still dependant on the government to stay alive.

    One thing that the olympics has taught china is the power of spin and media marketing and they are learning to use it well.

    The big tell will come with the movement of religious freedoms of all types including radical  Islam.

  8. Not yet. But Sure it  has some plans. I had google  maps in my mobile and out of interest I did survey over China. SHOCK!!! I was Shocked to see the things there.

    There is a naval base in China called Dalian Naval base(Type Dalian-go in SW direction in 7'o' clock direction,big water body adjacent to sea).There I saw several submarines(more than 10 at a single place) and 3 times more frigates , destroyers and battle ships.Why do they need all this? And in pursuit of  Great wall of China I spotted Jets flying.(Type-Great wall, go in 8'o' clock position South).This all was captured on a normal day by Google.Try to see them bfore google updates its maps version.

  9. their supposed to catch up to our economy in about 30 years not 5 like the guy above me said doesnt mean anything though they have very little freedoms and still wont have money for the majority so yea

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