
Is China going to beat the US in it's return to the moon?

by Guest66818  |  earlier

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Will China be the first country to the moon in the 21st century?

China is capable of sending a manned mission to the Moon within the next decade, if it so wishes, NASA administrator Michael Griffin has said.

Dr Griffin said: "Certainly it is possible that if China wants to put people on the Moon, and if it wishes to do so before the United States, it certainly can. As a matter of technical capability, it absolutely can."

Nasa Moonship flight target slips.:

China 'could reach Moon by 2020':




  1. I certainly hope so.  Having China spend its huge surpluses on useless space exploration is far better than having them spend the money on equally useless weaponry.  And a lot safer.  Since going to the moon again would be even more pointless than going there the first time, I would hope that our congress will not fund such an absurd adventure.  The place is worthless and deadly.  If we do attempt that nonsense again, it will be due to bribes from the numerous companies that would benefit from such a program.  But the truth is that the US is broke.  We are the world's largest debtor nation.  We cannot afford vastly expensive visits to useless worlds. We would have to borrow the money from the Chinese to go to the moon.  

  2. Historically, space races have been full of twists, turns, and upsets.  Both NASA and China's space agency are in a good position to run this race.  I think it's too close to call.

    As for the slippages, they are part of the game.  More major development projects slip than don't.

  3. There's no way the US will let that happen. With its current funding, NASA is at least 5 years closer to a manned lunar mission than China is. Every time China edges closer to us, the pressure will force Congress to authorize more funding.  

  4. I'll be surprised but if they do, so be it and congratulations. It would bring a little unity to the world if only for a short while.

  5. No. NASA maybe slow, but China is even slower. They have slipped their first EVA flight until this year, and it is still not sure if it will launch at all. The milestones for landing on the moon are the same as for Apollo:

    1. Orbit

    2. Rendezvous

    3. EVA

    4. Lunar Module

    5. Heavy lift capability

    China so far only has number 1.  

  6. Who cares?

  7. No, but I think a space race might begin after the year 2020.

  8. It's possible, but I'm sure it wouldn't make an impact on us. So here's to the US, we've ALREADY been there. Next, on to Mars. As for China, they're still stuck on getting to the moon. We aren't worried on beating China, especially to a place we've already been and seen.

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