
Is China really the oldest continuous civilization?

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They say that Chinese culture has been around almost continuously for over 3,000 years. I question to what extent this is true. I'm sure if we were to compare modern Chinese culture to say that of the Zhou Dynasty, it would have very little in common. You could probably argue that Greek culture has been continuous since the time of Socrates.




  1. I am taking a wild guess, either Africa or Sumer, biblical name, Shinar, in the middle east. I believe Africa. Dated back 6,000yrs. to perhaps 10,000 AD.

  2. hmmm, tough question... i dont know if I would call any culture "continuous" over thousands of years, especially in this modern age when things change so quickly...

    perhaps areas which have little contact with the outside world, and havent been overrun with western values, would have the best chance at being what you call a "continuous civilization" as they would have had long periods without being replaced by another culture...  

    of course, the problem with my explanation is that we would know very little about these cultures, if anything.. lol

  3. I would say that China is the oldest continuous agricultural society, as it's been around well over 5,000 years as such, but civilization implies large cities, and China, in the past, has always had a series of small villages.

    The three oldest, literate civilizations, by definition, were the Mesopotamian, the Nile, and the Indus River valley, who all had art, culture and city-style architecture (5-6,000 y.a.), but they haven't continued as such til present day.

    The oldest continuous culture, are the click-speaking, San Bushmen of Central Africa, who have lived the same way, for the past 15,000 years (While Cro-Magnon were still in European caves)!

  4. i think those civilisations in the middle east are older.

  5. Yes, but it was much smaller 3,000 years ago and they spoke a different dialect than today's Mandarin.  I

    It's based mostly on the observation that they've kept practically the same writing system for all those 3,000 years.  Other than that, of course it's changed a lot from the way it was 3,000 years ago.

  6. It depends how you measure things.  China changed dynasties and government, and technically, America has a new government every election.

  7. Yea and now pretty soon it will be call the disease continuous civilization.

  8. a national geographic report:  Caucasian mum mys were found in Chinese soil. they figured that the settlement was short by dynasty rules. never the less, the Chinese people are no longer considered a pure line dynasty.   there were tools,crockery. rudimentary sights that would constitute a settled community. they hunted, and buried their dead, treated their sick they also engaged in some kind of tradings. however the land was harsh and the people's life expectancy was very short. the old men would reach their end 30's. they had blond hair on some of the mummies, and were judged to be ancient Europeans. there were answers and still many questions, because the find was so unexpected, and i believe still being investigated.

  9. Doh!

    Have you heard of and know about:




    Comparatively speak, China is the "new kid on the block!"

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