
Is China the best country in the World now?

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I think so.




  1. Its depends on who is asking.  I obviously think that were the best but other people around the world think that our values and system is terrible and think were the worst.  But no China is not the best there economy is on the rise but there is still a long way to go for them to be considered the best.  

  2. no.  China is trying to "westernize" its economy and culture.  basically, they are trying to become the US.

  3. What makes you say that?  I lived in a small town of 5 million (for just a year.)  There were many homeless people, and it was dirty.  Plus, the value of a life is nothing there.

    What about Tibet?  That was wrong for them to get taken over. Scary.

    Are you even Chinese? Are you just some kid who has a Chinese parent and is going through some asian pride phase?

    Edit: The U.S. does owe China more money than I could imagine.  Yes it is growing, but it still has too far to go.  General people in China are still living miserable lives. I witnessed too much of it.

  4. No it is not. They have terrible pollution and the only reason it seems like that is because they are a communist country.

  5. Define "best".

    If yoiu think that the best country is the one currently holding the biggest sporting event, then China is probably the best.

    If you think the best country is the one with the largest number of people within it's borders, then China is definitely the best.

    On just about any other measure, however, (environment, human rights, standard of living, etc) China is probably far from the best.

  6. If you enjoy having no rights then sure.

  7. They do have hot Asian women.

    So no one else thinks Asians are hot. I love the USA but I mean come on Asian women are hot.

  8. look at their human rights record...

  9. USA ftw? China ftl?

  10. I don't think it is.  They're having a lot of economic problems right now and their pollution is some of the worst in the world.  They've had bad earthquakes and poverty is everywhere.  It won't always be this way though.  It think they're just going though tough times...  

  11. Ya...whatever!

  12. NO. I know every Country has flaws (our certainly does), but China is not on the top of the list.

  13. Um, no. The United States is.

  14. No, why would you say that?  And what is the basis of your criteria for naming them as such?

    Personally, on many levels (criteria) I think the US and Canada (among others) far exceed China.

  15. are you kidding me, I'm ashamed as a Canadian you even asked such a dumb question.    Even if freedom of expression and religion and mobility means nothing to you (obviously not much/ dead canadian soldiers rolling in their graves)  think about living cheek and jowl with 1.3 billion people in area smaller than Canada!     Think about the environmental disaster they've created and compare that to your current residence.

    China the "economic miracle" will self-implode soon enuff.  Either their "middle class" will demand more money or energy prices will force their costs up so that domestic manfacturing here in NA becomes more competitive.

    On second thought... yea move to China. .  

  16. What the f*ck are you smoking?

    If you truly believe that, get out of America then.

    Welcome to China, the Communist land of no rights.

    You may speak your mind, but not if it goes against what we, the Chinese government, says.

    You can protest, but you will be arrested

    We will place limitations on your internet and it would be foolish to search for certain topics.

    You, as the average Chinese man, will make 2 dollars an hour. A very good wage.

    By the way, did we mention we have no freedom of expression, media, etc. etc.?


  17. definetly not, they might be the richest, but there still communist.

  18. Hosting Olympics doesn't make a country better or worse, its still China!

  19. nooooo, the people are ugly and communist

    russia is best.

  20. No.  Flashy, impressive, amazing, historic, and broke.

    In another month from now they'll be back to their usual self. The one child limit, polluted water, continuous building, air pollution.  Same old, same old.

  21. Hardly, they are doing well economically but the gap between the rich and the wealthy is so large.  They still have quite a few social issues to overcome before they can fully claim the rank.

  22. Is this in response to the riots in Montreal?

    I'm thinking Norway or Sweden would be the best, except for the crappy weather.

    Take heart.  You can't have millions of people living in one society without some strife.  You still have a great national medical system.

    Good luck.

  23. maybe,but i think U.S.A is the best

  24. nope it is still china, alot of people hate them for tibet and its still hot and polluty over there

  25. no

  26. The most powerful in production, the most harsh on their workforce and labor force, respect through fear is not true respect, tons of pollution (no EPA), and lending money around all willy nilly to other countries, etc...

    It will come back and bite them in the @$$ very soon.

    I wouldn't say the "best" by any means.

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