
Is Christopher Robin (son of A.A. Milne) alive? inspiration for Winnie-the-Pooh series?

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TODAY (Aug. 21, 2008) marks the 88 anniversary of his birth (biographical notice at Garrison Keillor's Writer's Almanac Minnesota Public Radio program) :

"It's the birthday of the boy who inspired the Winnie-the-Pooh books: Christopher Robin Milne, born in 1920 in London, England, the son of the children's writer A.A. Milne. His parents expected a girl and the only name they had picked out was Rosemary, so when they realized they needed to name a boy, they couldn't decide, so each parent chose one.

When Christopher Robin was a year old, he got a teddy bear that he called Edward, and his father took the name "Winnie" from a bear at the London Zoo that Christopher loved. That bear and Christopher's other stuffed toys became the inspiration for the stories his father wrote about Winnie-the-Pooh and friends. "

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  1. Christopher Robin Milne passed away in the 1996 - do not recall the exact day.

  2. Actually, Christopher Robin Milne passed away on April 20th, 1996.

    Christopher had Myasthenia gravis, although I don't think that's what killed him; he died in his sleep.

    I find it ironic that people are remembering him as the boy who inspired Winnie the Pooh, when in reality he resented being associated with the books and being hounded by Pooh lovers in his bookstore.

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