
Is Cindy McCain right that Palin has "National Security" Experience because Alaska is so close to Russia?

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Maybe the Republicans should have picked the Mayor of Hibbing, Minnesota for National Security Experience with Canada?




  1. lol...and George Bush had all the national experience with Mexico and look how that turned out.  

  2. Cindy McCain stole drugs.

    Palin stole her 16 yr old daughters baby.

  3. did she really say that

    well thats just her trying to appeal to voters  

  4. Well the sky is falling, the sky is falling. Just keep saying that while Sarah Palin turns the hearts of America her way. Wait and see.

    When will Yahoo put her name in their Spell checker.  

  5. Why not pick Jeb Bush then he is in Florida and they are so close to Cuba . Hmmmmm...

  6. You can't have national security experience if people living in America can not point your state on a map

    Apparently there was a study that asked people to find alaska and hawaii on a world map. 32% of the people polled were not able to do this simple task.

    Now I ask you? do YOU think Palin can have experience in national security

    (Also she said that she had not given the Iraq war much thought)

  7. How ridiculous.  

  8. what did you expect, she was a model, not a Rhodes scholar

  9. Yeah. We could all be foreign policy experts.

  10. maybe

  11. Alaska's borders are contiguous only with foreign countries.

  12. If she actually said that, she's more of an airhead than I previously imagined!

    That is a monumental stretch of the imagination.

    BTW, what did we accomplish by spending the $$$ to send Cindy McCain and a retinue of secret service agents, to the nation of Georgia?   She was back on vacation 2 days later?  

  13. lol, i can't believe it! no, seriously, fox news exaggerates. if it is true, then i really hope mccain/palin don't get in the WH. obama said today that the republicans are good at campaigning. i totally disagree. what with mixing up facts, saying ridiculous things and generally indulging in blatant hypocrisy, anything to maybe steal a few more votes, this campaign has got to be one of the worst i've seen. as for foreign policy, if that's the best Palin can come up with, she needs to take a second look at her actual dealings with said neighboring country. umm...she's never been there? she didn't own a passport until 2007?! what foreign experience were they talking about again? in my opinion, she has no idea what's going on in russia, never mind Iraq and all those other countries that are so far away from Alaska. sorry if i'm being mean but i've seen obama ridiculed for nothing on this site and i thought the republicans should get ridiculed for something one of their mavericks has actually done. or in this case, not done.

  14. That's a bit of a stretch if you ask me.

  15. Then, I myself have more national security experience than Palin because I grew up in Cincinnati which is in Ohio which borders Canada across Lake Erie and I drive a Japanese car and I once ate at Taco Bell.

    I have Canada, Japan, and Mexico fully covered, just like Palin has Russia.

    I like Cindy's amazing logic.

  16. Yeah! That was hilarious.... I wondered how many people caught that...Cindy's bleach and botox is seeping into her brain.

  17. That's not a very convincing reason. How much of a threat is Russia to the U.S. these days really? However Alaska is where Air Force planes are deployed from to bomb Iraq, because the shortest distance to fly there is over the North Pole- so, Alaska is probably the most militarized state.  

  18. Hahahaha!


  19. Cindy McCain must have relapsed and is on CRACK!!  

  20. If I asked, 'Raise your hand if you think Russia doesn't still have a succession agenda,' I think everyone here would say...."What?  Please, that's a stretch."  To me...THAT is frightening.

  21. Somehow, I knew they were going to say this. Really? Governor of Alaska helps her understand Russia? C'mon!

    McCain has been suggesting for months that everyone should feel unsafe with Obama as President. Now his vice president, with a higher-than-usual chance of becoming president, is a heartbeat away, and McCain has to now lie that he would feel safe with her as president.

    I have always thought this foreign policy/3 am phone call stuff was ridiculous, but I would actually feel unsafe with runner-up miss alaska as president.

  22. Look at a map!

    Besides, she has tons more experience than Obama!

    Palin as Governor has had day to day EXECUTIVE decision making duties for say 700 days and she was the one who ultimately had to take a stand and live with her choices. That does not even include her other 11 years or so in government service.

    Obama as junior US Senator has just over 100 days of attendance and his vote is just one of 100, that he cast mostly along party lines, plus he cast 130 "yellow" Present votes in the Il Senate.

    Not much of a decider is he?

  23. This is ridiculous.

  24. Seriously!

    Do people realize it is 1,600 miles from Juneau Alaska to the closest city in Russia!

  25. Well no, based on your logic, Palin is still the best choice out of the two because she also has to deal with Canada on the other side.

    Map for Mainlanders:

  26. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

    Absolutely nothing. Aparently every single border state has "National Security" experience then... you know those Canadians and Mexicans and their nukes...


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