
Is Clay Buccholz over rated ?

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Is Clay Buccholz over rated ?




  1. Are you kidding? He plays for the Red Sox and threw a no hiter in his 2nd start. Sox fans and the ESPN dopes were asking if he was possibly the greatest ever and going to Cooperstown. He's great. ESPN said so.

  2. yea

  3. it's impossible to tell at this point, but when you throw a no-hitter in your first major league start it's hard to avoid ridiculously high expectations

  4. He's an excellent pitcher. The no-hitter hurt him more than it helped him though. After that, expectations grew, and he was over-worked too early in his career. A little time in the bullpen will get him back on top. He won't be another Tim Lincecum, but he complements Lester pretty well at the back of the rotation.

  5. WAY too early to tell. He is still a young kid learning the ropes of the game and pitching to major league hitters. Don't get caught up in the no-hitter part, any pitcher can have a great day and throw a no-hitter because there is just as much luck involved as skill. Anibal Sanchez threw a no-hitter in 2006 and hasn't been heard of since.

    With all the hype that goes into a no-hitter, is it unfair to assume that Buchholz is gonna be able to duplicate that every game. He was working in the minors (before his recent call up) on his fastball of all pitches and he still needs to learn how to locate his change-up.

    But it is too early to say what he will/won't be.

  6. NO he is not over rated. Everyone expects him to be the best rememebr this is his first year in the big leagues. Its cause he threw a no hitter last year at such a young age. In a few years he will be one of the best in the league. Wants he masters the fastball command. HE has filthy breaking ball

  7. yes, i dont care if he threw a no hitter he is very over rated and they should of traded him whent hey had the chance

  8. h**l no. he already had a no hitter. lmao.

    it was funny i was listen to the game online ealrier this saeasson.

    they say this

    "with what the kid has he is going to have a no hitter"  i laugh my *** off he already has one.

  9. I don't think so.

    Buchholz pitched a no-hitter on his second start ever, so that's pretty cool, but otherwise I don't think there's much hype around him. He's the fifth starter for the team, it's not like he's treated like an ace.

    So no. Not overrated.

  10. I think it's too early in his career to tell, but he wouldn't get half the attention he gets had he not pitched that no-hitter last year.

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