
Is Clearasil Ultra a good acne product?

by Guest67093  |  earlier

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Thats what I just started using today, does it work good?




  1. Like the others who have answered your question, it got rid of some of my acne but not all. If you are trying to get rid of most or all of your acne try using Clean and Clear oil free cream cleanser, Clean and Clear oil controlling toner and the Clean and Clear oil free moisturiser, I found that clean and clear cleared my skin better than Proactiv!!!! Also take a zinc supplement daily which will help manage acne from the inside and drink at least 2 litres of water a day!!! If you do wear make up, make sure that it is oil free.

  2. it works pretty well, it didn't get rid of all my acne, but it made it less noticeable  

  3. how well it works depends on how much attention your skin needs. i like it ok, but i can't use it everyday as it causes me to peel. i like stridex 2 in 1 with benzoyl peroxide cause it fits in my purse and less products to keep up with.

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