
Is Coca Cola good for you?

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No, this isn't a trick question. I've drank Diet Coke for years but after trying regular Coke I felt "energised" and I swear my jogging was a little bit sharper that night.

So regardless of what the Health Police tell us, is including fizzy drinks in your diet beneficial?




  1. You are getting two rushes. LOADS of sugar, and then caffeine. It's the sugar that lights your fuse because of how much sugar is in any soda. So much, it borders ridiculous. Then the caffeine kicks in also. Between the feel like the kid in the Mazda commercial.....

    Zoom zoom zoom.............

  2. regular coke has caffeine thats why you felt energized

  3. Not really. The sugar in it is worse for you. It is better than diet though, so if you are going to drink pop daily, drink regular.

  4. Hi! I personally don't drink Coca Cola, but for my opinion I just feel that it's not healthy. Pepsi, Coca Cola, it's all the same. It just really is pure sugar no matter what people say. I went off drinking it and I did loose weight, perhaps it will work for you too. It's just extra sugar in a day that you're body doesn't need. It's fine to have once in a while but not everyday.

  5. your drinking a "upper" of course it makes you feel better.

  6. well its better for you than mountain-dew

  7. no. no pop (even diet) is ever good for you. there is so much c**p in there that you might get a caffeine buzz, but its not a good one. the occasional pop is fine in my opinion, its just like any other sweet, but when your drinking it so much, it is bad.

  8. If you leave a tooth sitting in a cup of coca cola for a few days, it will dissolve the whole tooth.

  9. no the reason you felt energized is because theres actual sugar in there, like when kids eat alot of candy they become hyper.....

    but all that sugars actually worse for your body


  10. No it's not good for you. It's just less toxic than Diet Coke. Diet Coke has aspartame in it which has proven to result in  brain tumors. Seriuosly! It has happended to two people I know. It's also an explosive.

  11. nope

    that "feeling" you had

    was caffiene...which is an abundant

    drug found in coke

    it has tons of your little "jog"

    was like doing nothing

  12. h**l no!

  13. It has caffenine, an energy booster, DUH!

  14. no its not good at all

  15. I do believe, that natural mineral water is good for you, coke however is not. Unless it comes with a big plate of veggies.

  16. No more than 3 is good for you

    It will cleanse you and stuff but more than 3 than really damage you

  17. ummmmmmmmmmm... NO!

  18. You get a high from the sugar and carbs at first, but then you start to run out of that fuel, and you go into kind of a tired slump because your body is trying to burn it, especially if you're running.  So no, it's not good for you.  It's acutally very bad for you, especially if you're active, you need to stay hydrated, and soda will NOT do that for you at all.

  19. If used in moderation Coke and diet Coke are not bad. But they are not goo for you either.

    The reason you felt better with a regular Coke for your run is because the sugar gave you energy.

    No, adding any soda to your diet is not beneficial. People drink it for pleasure. There is nothing beneficial about it.

  20. Its not bad to have a little sugar but it is in excess.

    As long as your not guzzling them for breakfast then its perfectly healthy

  21. too much sugar and caffine but i like soda


  22. it gives you a temporary sugar rush

    and its ok but dont drink **** loads everyday

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