
Is Coffee REALLY That Bad For One's Health?

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I want to start drinking coffee.

I'm a vegan and am MUCH more healthy than I used to be. (I used to ONLY eat fastfood & junkfood..gross!)

Is Coffee REALLY Going To Take A Huge Toll On My Health/Appearance?

Thank you.





  1. I think drinking coffee is not bad to your health as long as it's not too much (like drinking coffee 3 or more times a day)

  2. I heard many people say it stunts your growth. If you drink enough of it in a short period of time. The caffine can effect your health. Too much caffine can give you a heart attack. But coffee does taste good. Especially Starbucks. Expensive but good. Mmm.  

  3. Who in the world told you that non-sense?

    Coffee is not 'Bad' for you. Coffee is a healthful drink that has many attributes to good health, high in anti Oxidants,helpful to memory retention (especial in women), reduces aches and pains after exercising...Cancer fighter...

  4. health no, but your teeth will almost surely stain

  5. it will stain your teeth!

  6. Well if taken in huge amounts it has been prov-en that it can give you cancer to the pancreas.

    It will also cause extreme stomach pains according to a great french writer Balzac.

    It can cause major health problems from the fact that it is a stimulant and having to much stimulant in your system can cause your heart to go into fibrillation.

    So yes coffee in large quantities can cause health problems.

  7. it makes your teeth brown which isn't very attractive... ha ha. but i am sure you can drink it

  8. not really i drink coffee pretty often what ppl say about coffee is NOT usually true. its not bad for ur health, just has lotz of caffine and caffine aint that bad! XD

  9. i think folgers makes a breakfast blend or something like that, and it's for more sensitive stomachs. It has less acid. I think that's what its called.. it might be called something else. the only real "health problem" i'd say anyone gets from coffee would just be an upset stomach.

    yeah, it might make your teeth brown, but seriously you won't notice it for like 10 years. just use crest whitestrips once a year. they're totally fine, i talked (well, had my dad talk for me lol) to the dentist about them.

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