
Is Coffeemate coffee creamer bad for your health?

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I have been trying to drastically cut down on the amount of chemicals, hormones, and pesticides in my food by eating mostly organic food. I have recently gotten a little more serious about it since I might be pregnant. I drink organic decaffeinated (Swiss water process) coffee in the morning and I LOVE it with Coffeemate vanilla creamer. I've tried organic half and half or milk or Silk soy flavored creamers and nothing is as good as Coffeemate. Is Coffeemate full of icky things for my body or is it OK?




  1. Well, Nestle makes no bones about the fact that it uses genetically modified ingredients. But, I have been drinking Coffeemate for quite a few years and haven't had, to the best of my knowledge, any adverse effects from it. Now, the main ingredients, according to the label, are water and sugar if using the regular varieties. So really, I suppose it is your call. Most things in moderation are not harmful. If you drink one or two cups in the morning I don't believe you will have any problems. If you drink it all day, one cup after the other, then perhaps you should reconsider that and drink less. Also, I would shy away from soy products of any type. It has been marketed as a miracle product but has some bad elements to it.

  2. "Organic" means it was fertilized with animal/human p**p instead of clean "chemicals". But chemicals are not bad! The combination of two molecules of the chemical hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen produces the chemical we call water.

    You and the rest of the "greens" out there in Internet Land would do well to look up the definitions of these maligned words you people toss about.

    Cyanide, mercury, arsenic, opium, rattlesnakes, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, asbestos...these are all natural substances. They all come from Mother Earth...

  3. ever thing in moderation. a gallon a day won't keep the doctor away, but be reasonable.

    As for organic coffee, why?  where it grows they can't afford pesticides and the plant doesn't need them anyway.  the swiss water process is used by everyone anyway, so don't pay a penney more if someone claims its superior. Another process uses a powerful solvent to remove caffeine, that solvent ? CO2, nothing more natural than CO2.

    Stay healthy in other ways too, moderation, don't go all veggie, all, fish, all of anything.  Visit your Dr regularly and be safe.  

  4. yes its ok for your health no one has dyed yet form Coffeemate

  5. I'm going to go with the one guy above me here, I gave up all caffeine when I got pregnant with both of my kids, Its not good for either of you in the 1st place, And decaf is still caffeinated regardless of what they say. Just TOSS the coffee pot that's all I did and limit the sugar free c**p too the artificial sweeteners in it will hurt you and the baby even more! Also as someone else stated EVERYTHING in moderation is ok for you!

  6. Is it bad for you?  Of course its bad for you.  It's fake cream.  It's basically corn syrup, vegetable oil, and artificial stuff.

    The question is where you draw the line.   You really love it.  It makes you happy.  You don't exactly drink gallons of it; you eat a tiny amount every day.

    Most choices in this world are not black and white, good and bad.  It's better for you than large amounts of Velveeta or Marshmallows.   It's worse for you than an organic carrot.

    I've put a link to the ingredients below.   No arsenic in there, but not exactly all-natural either.   You make the call.

  7. My answer? Give up coffee altogether. You asked.

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