
Is Colleen McCloughlan going to take Rooney's surname or keep her own?

by  |  earlier

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barneyboy - I couldnt be ar*sed to look up the correct spelling and I knew some t**t on here would point it out and probably spell it too!




  1. Are you asking because you don't know how to spell her maiden name?

  2. Who would want a surname Rooney.

  3. If she has any balls (not of the footballing kind), she will keep her own.

  4. who cares

  5. Is it of the slightest interest to anyone of average intelligence?

    If people took less interest in such trivialities, ultra-rich so called 'celebrities' would cease to exist.

    Maybe then, they would have to earn their own living - and that would really be a shock for them !

  6. Pretty sure I read a while ago that she would be taking his name.

  7. Unsure about his name but, she'll take his money, let's be honest - if he wasn't a mega bucks footballer he's be a bloody single guy!

  8. I would give it about twelve months and she will take him to the cleaners !lets face it he is one ugly man

  9. Seriously - who cares?

  10. Ahh she will probably be Colleen Rooney-McCloughlan.

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