
Is Colombia Safe for Mission Trip?

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My son who is 19 is suppose to go to Colombia in June. He is a devoted christian and wants to go work in Colombia. He has been to Costa Rica the last two years, and I am scared to death for him to go to Colombia. Has anyone gone and how safe is it to go? He is grown I cant tell him he is not allowed.




  1. Columbia is NOT safe. Statistically it has some of the highest crime/murder rates of any other country.

    I hope he doesn't go! 19 is too young to die

  2. If he is doing the Lords work, be pround of him and sended him off with a smile, hugs and a prayer.  God controls when and where he will take us home.

  3. Most of the big cities are safe, although foreigners must take some precautions, like being careful with their cash, and going to safe areas.

    However, if your son is going on a mission, he'll probably be going to a rural area. Particularly, the eastern cities (specially those near oil fields) have been historically involved in terrorist attacks and kidnappings, although political conlfict has changed dramatically in the last two or three years, and those situations are not so common anymore, although they still happen sometimes. American citizens used to be victims of kidnappings by guerrilla groups by the start of the decade, but because of a stronger military presence in rural areas, foreign citizens can feel a lot safer.

    Some useful recommendations are asking fellow missioners and locals about the area he'll be working at. Speaking spanish fluently also helps a lot. He should also try to stay away from rural roads and farms in the night, and trying to always go out with someone else, never alone. Since he's been working in Costa Rica, he must have some experience about working in those conditions.

    Besides those safety concerns, I think that it'll be an amazing oportunity for him to really understand the complexity of colombian conflict, and helping people that really need it.

  4. I am an USA citizen who works in Bogota. I dont think that Bogota is dangerous. There are places that are however.. but if your son goes there.. the locals can tell him. Most of the big cities, Cali excepted, are safe.

    Be smart. Dont flash a lot of cash. Lots of places not go at night. La candelaria, Suba, Ciudad Kennedy. Just ask. Be smart. Be careful and the odds are in his favor nothing will happen.

  5. Colombia is absolutley safe. Please do not believe all you read and hear about the drug lords. I have been visiting colombia for 3 years and have been all over the country without one problem. Tell your son to use common sense just as he would here. there are places in every city in the US that I would know, "This doesn't look good" and he will see places like that in colombia. The most friendly people in the world, I have met in colombia. I;ve had little women and kids tell me, while on a bus, to put my camera inside my shirt, so as not to draw attention to it. I;ve had people pick me up after a rental car broke down and take to where I could get help and refused money from me when offered. Are there bad people in colombia? Are there bad people in xyz city, USA? YES. Go with God.

  6. Well, I´m Colombian and I love my country; it really hurts that some people have such a bad impression of Colombia, although I don´t blame them because all they know about Colombia is what they see in the news. But please, don´t believe everything you watch on TV.

    Like many have said, this is a wonderful place to live. Obviously, there are some places that are not safe, like in any other country. But there are places that are really beautiful and 100% safe. You just need to come here to notice that.

    Finally, I have to tell you that foreigners are very welcomed here! So there would be no problem at all for your son.

  7. Its completely safe if he is smart and doesnt go to the bad sides of town. Every city has a bad side...I just came back from Bogota last week and i loved it. Its the most beautiful place ive ever been to. I have been to hawaii and costa rica and they are nothing...They have the nicest people in the world plus the have the cathedral de sal. Its the most beautiful church i have ever seen its in a salt mine and the center has cross 150 meters tall made out of salt but it looks like marble its amazing. Your son will love it down there. Im 20 and i had no troubles at all

  8. Your son should be fine. I just recently returned from three months working, living and traveling in Colombia.I worked and lived in the Catagena,Barranquilla,Santa Marta area but traveled to different destinations all over the country on my days off. I never had any trouble other than getting lost several times but there was always someone gracious enough to help me get to where I needed to be.

    It is kind of ironic,but many of the Colombians I spoke to when I was traveling were curious and actually asked me if I was afraid to live in the US because it was so dangerous there.... It all seems to be a matter of your perspective.

    If you have the opportunity you should think seriously about going to see first hand what a great place Colombia is.The people are warm,generous friendly and anxious to share their beautiful country and customs with you. Your son would be happy to see you and you will have a rare opportunity to see things you have never seen before but will remember forever.

    I'm confident that after a visit to Colombia you should be able to reduce your worry quotient by 90%.Feel free to email me if you have any other questions or concerns.

  9. Colombia is safer than it has been in years.  You have to know which areas are safe to travel to (and through) however.  I hope that he will be going with a group that is VERY familiar with Colombia.  If you are traveling with knowledgeable guides, you should be fine.

    Please don't believe what you see on TV about Colombia.  It is a very modern country and is filled with wonderful people.  Of course, you have to be a smart traveler.  I have traveled extensively there, even when I was pregnant and when my son was very young.  We visit almost every year.  I would say, what has always kept me safe is knowing where the unsafe areas are and avoiding them.  The only way for a foreigner to do this is to make sure (and I am repeating myself here) that the group leaders are very knowledgeable about the communities your son will be visiting.

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