
Is Colorado Theological Seminary accredited?

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  1. Colorado Theological Seminary is not accredited by one of the fourty or so accrediting agencies authorized by the Dept. of Education. They are an Affiliate of the Association of Biblical Higher Education ( which is such an accreditor. However they are not accredited by them. CTS may apply for Applicant status in the future. However, applying for national or regional accreditation is an expensive proposition. And in many ways would circumvent CTS' mission of offering affordable and accessible Christian degree and certificate programs.

    Additionally, Colorado Theological Seminary's niche is being able to offer programs by distance learning without any on campus intensives or other requirements. Degrees can be earned totally from the comfort of the student's home. This cannot be done with nationally or regionally accredited schools.

    CTS tuition is within reach of the average person and a degree can be attained without taking out a loan or going into debt. This cannot be said of accredited schools as most anyone knows. Approximately 60% of CTS students are already in the ministry. According to Barna, the average size church is less than 100 members. Graduates of expensive schools would have a hard time paying back those loans considering their income levels would be low in comparsion to salaries of those fortunate enough to become employed by a mega church.

    Take a look at the affiliations that CTS has made with other Christian organizations and I believe you will find them very credible. They are enjoying their tenth year in operation.

    Take a look at their new Alumni Association and Student Union, The Seminary Club, at

    Dr. Gary Tryzbiak

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