
Is Comcast a good company?

by  |  earlier

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I'm interested in Comcast's cable/ internet/ phone deal. I would like to hear from anyone who has an opinion, good or bad about this company and how they operate.




  1. I just got them recently for phone but have their internet and cable for awhile, They were $30 cheaper a month than our Embarq phone I had for 35 years!  That is with the anytime, anywhere mintures.  Embarq wanted $86 monthly with local and anytime mintures and Comcast wanted $56 after the trials were over.  Vonage is the same.  They all add in government sercharges so their 25 montly was42.  We only picked Comcast for their package deals in the long run.

    Husband isnt real happy with the Cable after having direct tv.  He can not receive all his Cubs games.  The internet works great.

  2. i have always had comcast, then one day my husband tells me he wants satellite   so i said ok lets try it ... now a little voice in the back of my head said not to do this but did i listen?...NO

    it was the biggest mistake i ever made, i hated it, after 5 mo and well lets just say a lot of money because those companies make you go by a contract of 18mo so you pay out the nose when you cancel , so i did , but it was worth it to have Comcast back again, now i can see tv when ever i want ,even when its raining out. So i say get yourself comcast you will be so glad you did. i promas

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