
Is Competitive Cheer,Considered A Sport?

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Since I am a competitive cheerleader i think it is....But people who aren't cheerleaders,dont think it is....

Tell me what you think,please!




  1. Competitive cheerleading is DEFINITELY a sport. You work extremely hard and have to be extremely fit to do it. Think of it this way, athletes lift weights, but cheerleaders lift athletes.

  2. it is a sport!! I have 3 daughters (ages 9,6,and 7) who do cheer.

    my oldest daughter is on a pro all star team and they just got back from competing in a nationals competition. She had to get up at 5am to be at the arena by 8 for practice. this doesn't include the 2 hour practice she had the night before.

    it requires stretching, flexibility, and patience-how can anyone say that's not a sport?!!

  3. YES it is a sport


    if some1 says competitive cheering isn't a sport say

    "athletes lift weights but cheerleaders lift athletes"

  4. By definition it is but being judged and awarded by the judges scores makes it lose major point like gymnastics and figure skating. They uniforms cheerleaders wear also doesn't help make their case. Being hard doesn't make a sport  but I think it is a sport though.

  5. Yes competitive cheer is a BIG sport. Maybe sideline cheerleading isn't but competitive is.

  6. I get c**p about it not being a sport all the time.

    It's most definitely a sport & my favorite one at that =)

  7. Yes it is a very competitive sport, I have a daughter (all-star). It takes a lot of athleticism and the ability to pump up a crowd!

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