
Is Congress going to be GOP heavy after the elections in the fall?

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As some people are giddy with Obama does this also mean that the legislative branch will change as well?




  1. No.  I belive they are predicting currently that the GOP will be doing good if they only lose 9 seats or less in the house.  Congress will prolly continue to shift to the Dem's this year.  

    Now the reasons I say that are simple.  Both party's are divided, however, most GOP has to deal with George W Bush.  He is dragging the whole party down.  (and if he was doing good, the GOP would do well).  As history of politics has shown us, when 1 party has had control for a while, and things aren't going well, the other party will benifit, in both house's of congress and the white house.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I can only agree with the previous poster. I'd also like to add that, compared to previous election years, the GOP's campaign chest is nearly empty. The Republicans have recently lost three elections for House seats in "R+10" districts, i.e. districts where Republican candidates usually win by a 10 percent margin. They're having tremendous problems getting their candidates through, or even to defend their incumbents.

    You should take a look at . Their current prediction is:

    Obama 317    McCain 194    Ties 27

    Senate Dem 55   GOP 45  

    House Dem 238   GOP 197

  3. I heard that the dems are going to take a lot of ground around the country. It's amazing how many Republicans are softening their views on things to get votes.

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