
Is Consciousness really the Ultimate "stuff" of Reality?

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  1. of course it is.

    Stuff, matter, energy, quantum flux, God, God's dream, the Tao, Brahman all different labels for experience.

    It gets divided up into nice neat little packages so we can understand it - the dividing up is our understanding.  But look real close and you find it isn't really divided.  The divisions are ethereal concepts, straight, linear, perfect, monads, but nature is wiggly.

    Look out over a park, the grass and the trees are green right? But which green? How many greens are there and which is representative?  Take the leaves on the trees, they are all leaves right? But look close and you find they are all different, individualy unique, so what is "a leaf"?

    Everything we *know* is constructed from such simplified approximations of the real.

    This is where we err.  Our understandings are only ever metaphors for the real.  The difference between the real and our approximations is the source of our psychological pain.

  2. God consciousness is Reality, ordinary consciousness doesn't know Reality.

  3. Welcome to the wheel of thought that spins and stops at who or what should be in fashion this alteryear and allay for now the eternal fear of falling into oblivion on the other side of the current sun.

    This was already a division before Shakyamuni and won't go away.

    Please get a new perspective.

    Try <>>

  4. for your consideration:

    and we might add that consciousness is light...

    and light is understanding.

    we get our light from the LORD...

    hence all the pictures of saints and beloved of God with halos.

    "God is Light"

    [This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all] 1 John 1:5

  5. You didnt even properly define "stuff", and the word "ultimate".

    How can i disprove something when premises are uhh unintelligible?

  6. Though I should feel that it poses a deterministic account, I think that consciousness is not the ultimate stuff of reality. It is the sub-count of a greater ascension, in lieu of readings in chaos and in the malevolent subconscious.

  7. Yes it is.

  8. consciousness is all there is. all is made of consciousness. without consciousness there would be nothing to be conscious about.

  9. Consciousness is indeed Reality.

    The "Consciousness that is within Consciousness" is the ultimate "Stuff" of Reality.

    Meechum Anbu (Much Love),

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