
Is Craig Kielburger married?

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  1. if he is g*y, he should come out and acknowledge it. he gave up his privacy long ago and i doubt anyone would think lesser of him. i mean the guy is hot and s**y, i would definately go out with him. i love a hot s**y Canadian guy. we'd make the perfect couple! call me craig! :D

  2. First off... Marc is NOT g*y he is married and his wife also works at Free the Children

    Secondly why does it matter ....sexuality doesnt make a person its just a small part of them or would you like to be referred as the straight friend or straight co-worker... most of all please tell me where to buy the "how to identify a q***r" book because apparantly to some of you there are outlines lmao the world is in the state it is in today because of ignorance and to make a change you have to get educated on the facts. 

  3. No, and he's definitely not g*y! His brother Marc is though.

    I'm pretty sure he would like his private life private. I love him though! An inspiration to all of us!

  4. He looks a liitle q***r to be honest.  His demeanor resembles a g*y person. He's been a media w***e since he was a kid. Nonetheless he is too far the the left for my liking. GRAIG, JUST COME OUT DUDE!!

  5. I know for a fact that he is g*y.

  6. I know for a fact that he is g*y.

  7. He is g*y? Hello, I am defenitely a woman and I dated him once and he really rèally liked me...(from the in -ànd the outside...)

  8. jus cuz a man dedicated his life into making childrens' lives better, does not mean he is g*y.. he is a real hero..he just wants to keep his private life away from public.

  9. He is single, and he is indeed g*y.

  10. I heard he's afraid to say so becouse it might hurt his foundation. But it would be great for the g*y teens if he came clean.

  11. ihope not...he's really hot loll
    i'd tap that

  12. sorry some how the thing put me as a guy.

  13. I saw him the other day in his car. Hes hot, hope hes single cuz I'm a

    But I heard hes g*y? is their any truth to this?

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