
Is Crazy Fox Really Herbalife?

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This website says the crazy fox home business is really Herbalife. Does anyone know if that is true? I want to be crazy like a fox but I don't want to sell Herbalife to do it.




  1. Crazy Fox Infomercials

    As of April 2008, a series of commercials featuring a large red animated fox advertising home-based business opportunities have been running on US television stations. The advertisements typically feature a series of testimonials from actors playing individuals who have made sums of money between $5,000 USD and $15,000 USD per month as a result of participating in an undescribed business program. The viewer is advised to visit a website of the format crazyfox(arbitrary number).com or (arbitrary number); all of these domains redirect to the same site at[35]. The site contains a form where the user can provide their personal information and pay a fee to receive a "success kit"; the kit is an hour-long video with no information as to how the individual will earn money. Within a few days, the person ordering the kit is contacted by telephone or e-mail to invest additional money to participate in the Herbalife MLM program.

    I hope this research helps.

    Best Regards!

  2. Those links you sent doesn't say if it is or isn't.  Just blogs from two different people claiming it is.  They clearly stated basically that they quit before even doing it.  So they don't have any right to claim something a scam, they chose not to do it, but didn't actually do it.  

    I created a blog on my 360 yahoo web page that will help you to figure it out.  It's geared to people looking for home based business opportunities, so there are a few industries listed.  But the information prior to that has a lot of information that will help you determine and be able to find out on your own, if Crazy Fox is something you want to do.  These people claiming, maybe be giving false claims.  Maybe the company is affiliated with Herbalife.  Maybe there's a sector on it.  But without really doing some research on everything on this business, you will never know and the question "what if" will linger forever.  Take a look at my blog and gather the information and do the research on it's own.  Stay away from these blogs and things like that, because they will not give you the truth of what your looking for. BLog information on why I say this, is located on my blog.

    The URL to that is:

    If you have any questions regarding this blog, your more then welcome to email me at

    Good Luck!

  3. I think that Momof4 missed your point by a mile. She says your links don't say one way or another. The blog specifically states that it is related to herbalife. The blog is correct as well. Crazy Fox is an affiliate program to get people into the business opportunity.

    You do not necessarily have to sell Herbalife products if you choose to push the Crazy Fox opportunity.

    There are many claims about what happens after joining Crazy Fox. I would not look at these claims as people with a motive to discredit the company. I look at them as personal experiences that can be followed up by due diligence and research.

    Here are facts that can be backed up.

    Crazyfox website and TV ads do not give any information on what the whole program is about.

    Crazy Fox is associated with Herbalife.

    Once you pay the $9.99 fee to Crazyfox - they send you the starter package, which isn't actually a package of any kind. It's a booklet telling you how great it would be to become financially free, to never have a boss again and so on...

    Then the real fun begins. You start getting calls from Herbalife representatives who are trying to sell all these amazing deals at $200, $500, $1000 and more. They tell you that you have made an amazing choice and you are on your way to wealth...

    Since crazyfox sells your personal information to third parties, you will also start getting calls from insurance brokers, credit card companies, telephone companies and many others. They will all tell you: "We have been notified that you are starting a home business, you might be interested in our new Business Telephone Line, Business Credit Card... etc - and it never ends, needless to say that you will not make single dime with these guys.

    The only one who can decide if this is for you, is you. Just ask yourself if this is the way you want to build business. Statistically, this type of marketing leaves people "holding the bag" and I do not mean "the money bag."

    To back up the facts you have to commit to research.

    If you co to the Crazy Fox site and read into the privacy policy at the bottom

    You will find that e-team marketing and BMI are the promoters. To find the connection between the e-team and herbalife you have to get into the join process then click on the user agreement link to find

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