
Is Cuddles a good name for a long haired black and white cat?

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Is Cuddles a good name for a long haired black and white cat?




  1. ADORABLE!!!

    My cats are Snowball, Mo and my foster cats are Mia and Mimi (I used to have Jaco before he got adopted).

    I also like Bunny!

    Cuddles sounds ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. If your cat likes to cuddle a lot, then I think that's a perfectly good name, no matter what color the cat is.

  3. I used to have a cat named Cuddles! I love that name! My cat was an American Shorthair with white and then brown spots. It depends on the personality also. Is your cat cuddly? If so name it Cuddles.

  4. no. Try Zebra or Panda. Maybe Oreo or Tuxedo.

  5. hehe, that's cute. How about "Oreo"?

  6. I have a black and white cat. she looks like she has a tux on, so we call her tuxedo; tuxx for short and she responds to it, so i guess she likes it!  

  7. no.

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