
Is Curnavaca, Mexico pretty?

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  1. Yes, it's a nice place although quite small, so there isn't a big deal to see or do there. People go there mostly because of its great weather, so you can go and lie down by the pool all day long and then go take a walk in downtown and do some shopping..... it's a cool place for short visits.

  2. yes its soo beautiful!!! i also recommend zacatecas!!! its also very beautiful

  3. very nice place! you should go visit some day.

    I used to live there!

    Good Luck!

  4. Yes,it is a pretty and friendly city.Cuernavaca, the capital of Morelos, is located one hour from Mexico City. The city is known for its friendly hospitality and mild climate with more than 320 days of sunshine per year.

    Throughout its history, Cuernavaca has hosted countless famous guests because of its pleasant climate and high quality of life. Those who have called Cuernavaca home include the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortéz, the 19th century Austrian emperor Maximilian and his wife Carlota.

    Below are some links that should help you to visualize Cuernavaca.

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