
Is DHONI also a lucky captain ?

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Is DHONI also a lucky captain ?




  1. He is both a good Captain as well as lucky.

  2. yes

  3. ya dhoni is lucky only wen it comes to money and fame...

    he may feel bliss of his stance as many celebrities, but he is not d true hero...

    his media coverage, the public attention actually eats up his independence..

    public was liking sachin 5 years back, now its dhoni, tomo it will b raina.........

    so d money n fame is only temporary !!!

    these celebrities (including srk, bebo, khans, etc...) must understand that they r merely duplicate heroes or more precisely not even zeros. in fact they r killing our culture (the proof is his new ad of big bazaar " ACHHE KAPDE NAHEE TOH IZZHAT NAHEE... " its really shocking tat these hectics pour desires, hunger, greed into d minds of innocent public and der by asking d poor or uneducateds d way towards crime....

    its very shocking tat indian media is not just supporting these guys, but also encourage them

    hope the people who read this answer not just understand it but also feel it

  4. Yaar very much...

    lucky lucky lucky with world cup 20 twenty  too~

  5. DUH...!!! he got the most money for playing in the IPL, Mike Hussey got barley nothing!

  6. OK now Indians are also saying that he is lucky and when Non-Indians say that then such questions are posted - why would people from other countries do that ? and when I say that some Indians also think that then I am given lots of thumbs down

  7. Absolutely.No doubt about  that.

  8. NO DOUBT......!

  9. Yes.Luck was in his side in the semi final as no one thought that he will be able to win so comfortably.

  10. Yaa very much...

    Commanding indian cricket team like dream come true... Dhoni became captain within 2-3yrs...

    he is wise n responsible captain...

  11. If your trying to imply that Dhoni was lucky to win the semi-final of IPL, then i would have to agree with you and say that yes i think he is a lucky captain. But a win is still a win and you can't take it back.

    Really sad to see the kings limping to 113. They did well to get there, looking at the situation they were in. That's one thing i don't like with T20, a team that has been very strong and had a dominant batting line up failed to a team that was good but had nothing special.

  12. ya...he is really a good captain...but u can say that all the matches he wins are by luck..of course there is some luck always..

  13. Yeah, he is very very lucky.

  14. Just tell me what yo think.

  15. no

  16. He is lucky....he is cool....he is superb! He is just the "Perfect Captain"! He is an asset for India. His coolness even in pressure, instills confidence in his team mates! He always encourages every one....he brings out the best in his player! he knows what should be done in a particular situation. I'm very glad that Dhoni is our Indian Captain....

  17. There is nothing like luck. It is his way to win. Read "Shiv Kheda" (You can win)

  18. he is lucky but luck don't work ever he must have to perform in final

  19. Dhoni is the only lucky captain

  20. Nothing But Luck..

    Last test against South Africa what he did?

    Nothing but the winner Captain as Kumble was out due to injury!

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