
Is DOGMA the crutch that bears The Void in the core of Humanity?

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  1. The Void cannot be filled (in my opinion) with dogmatic beliefs.  The Void can only be filled with the acceptance of the United core of humanity.  Loving and accepting yourself along with others' will fill the Void.

  2. A wonderful painting, and a question very aptly phrased.

    The Void within is a reflection of the void without. The illusion of separation.

    The fulfilling aspects of Life: Friendship, Love, Belonging, Truth are all the same phenomenon. The happiness in our lives is caused by the repeated revelation that we are NOT ALONE. See in the painting, the mask we wear to protect us also blinds us. We cannot see the row of boats, the similarities of all beside us.

    And so we need the crutch. Feeling ourselves alone, we give up our Self to belong. It saddens me sometimes to behold it. But it also strengthens me, makes me determined to walk upright.

    Dreamers like me see a different World and wonder, "Why not?"  This week I wondered how Mankind could be more like kittens. I was moving furniture while babysitting the neighbor cat, and smiled that for every box I set down, every chair I moved, the cat was excited. It had to sniff and circle and explore the new space created. Imagine if every Human was so easily amused. Imagine if we could remember to remember to be happy for a sunny day, for a great meal, for a morning with no alarm clock, for shapes in clouds (and drops of paint)? I say we let the kittens lead us down those forgotten little paths to happiness. :-)

    Yes, I intend to spend my life as teacher and lone student in the school of Cat philosophy. I'll do it because I know there is no man whose mind is so great that he can think for himself and for me as well. Perhaps if we drop the crutch, and think for ourselves, the Void will disappear.

    Why not?

  3. you may indeed be on to something there....

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