
Is Daily Colonic too Much?

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I do colonic almost daily, if not every other day. I got used to doing this for my health when i was taking meds that pretty much shut down bowel function.

I no longer take those meds, but never returned to normal function. I don't really mind though, because i'm totally in control of it, get it out of the way, shower, and i'm done for a day or two.

I balance the loss with: smartwater (electrolyte infused), sea salt, a really good fatty yogurt, excellent diet. I drink *lots* of water. Also Stash licorice tea. I do yoga and daily exercise.

I have the "Vata" body type if you know Ayurveda. Basically, cool and dry and skinny. My issue is, i feel drained after e***a. I can replenish and eat, I eat all day and eat quite a bit, but i still feel it. I'm wondering if any health buffs here have any thoughts on daily colonic, whether it's too much... i am building back up my strength so, i think it's going to get better. Thanks for any replies.




  1. That is definitely too much.  Most professionals will tell you 3 to 4 times a year is the normal amount to be cleansing/detoxing.  You're killing the natural flora in your system.  

    A "good fatty yogurt" is not enough to replace the good bacteria in your system.  Look into a good probiotic supplement.  

    On another note you should definitely be getting a more complete nutritional supplement than what you have listed here.  An excellent diet is no longer a reliable source of complete nutrition, due to factory farming, pesticides, acid rain, etc.

    Feel free to send me a msg.

  2. that seems to extreme, try 1-2 a month.

  3. Sounds typical of man made melds and their side effects.

      Normally once or twice a year is quite sufficient.

      Eat lots of fiber, like fresh vegetables in your diet.

      Some robotics like Dr. Osiris's Robotics should help your Bowell flora also.

  4. That's too frequent.  

    Try fading it to once a month at the most.

  5. Colonics - the silliest and most uncomfortable way to NOT losing weight.

  6. Way too often. Your colon will get weaker and weaker and will depend on the clonic. Forget the clonic and increase the fiber in your diet. It's a never ending story with the clonic.

  7. Chris, there is a HUGE difference between a colonic and an e***a. If you are taking a small 1qt or so e***a every day or so, no, this will not hurt you. If you are taking a full blown colonic irrigation every day or so, yes, this can be very dangerous.

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