
Is Dallas a good city to live ? :D?

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I currently live in Chicago and I'm so tired of weather , expensive prices, boring city & ...

I heard a lot about Dallas that the rents are so cheap and so is everything else, before i go to Dallas i wanna make sure that's true . and how are the jobs over there do they pay good?




  1. If you're straight!

  2. And you know what?  It isn't cheap.  If you want to live anywhere that isn't "boring," expect to shell out over $2.00 a square foot, and have to deal with irresponsible kid neighbors whose parents pay their rent.  Also, the weather is terrible.  It is always humid, and in the summer, all you do is sweat all the time.  And if you don't want to sweat, expect electric bills over $300 to cool your apartment every single month.  Also, "everything else" is not cheap.  Most bars charge $5 - $7 for a beer, and around $10 for a mixed drink.  The jobs aren't that great, and no, they don't pay well.  Most people with college degrees start out at around $12/hr.  If you like fake people with fake hair, and like to sweat a lot, and pay way too much for everything, and get your car broken into (check the crime rates for Dallas -- #1 in crime per capita, and you'll feel it), then this is the place for you!

  3. Yes, Dallas is a good city to live in. I love Dallas ! The Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex Area is great. The weather is fine with me. Chicago is very cold in winter compared with Dallas.

  4. If you think Chicago is boring, than Dallas is going to be unbearable for you. Sure its cheap, but the entire culture is built around who has the shiniest things and the most money. Its a competition living here. Also, the only thing to do is eat; only the most experienced Dallas-ites can find something fun to do on the weekend that doesn't incorporate eating. The jobs pay the same as anywhere else and the weather is too hot all the time.

    Something you need to know: there's no place like home. As soon as you leave, your gonna miss it.

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