
Is Dark Ruler Ha Des considered to be an archfiend?

by  |  earlier

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Im very confused about this matter because most archfiend decks that i have seen all have him in it but on upperdeck he is not listed and i am not sure if that is because he is a given or because he isnt considered one. I just think that he should be because he is on almost all archfiend or evil looking magic/trap cards hes there so it makes since that he would be considered one but i would like to be sure that he is one before i start playing with him like hes one.




  1. No, he is not. The link in my sources will tell you a few cards that are considered archfiends but don't have it in their name.

  2. You answered your own question. He is not an Archfiend, but doesn't matter. he's still good in an any fiend deck.

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