
Is Darwin a raciest? did he invented evolution for racism?

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  1. No, how did you come to that conclusion?

    Then you might get your own answer...

  2. Many of Darwin's theories have been embraced by those with a racist philosophy. His theories of natural selection were the primary forces behind eugenics in n**i Germany, other parts of Europe and in the USA in the 1st half of the 1900's. The basic premise is that those in power believe they are in power because they are genetically superior to those who are not.

  3. Darwin was one of the raciest people on earth.

    He invented evolution so that we all could become racist.

    Racism has replaced religion as the mass condition.

  4. i didnt know you could invent evolution!!

  5. Darwin was a racist, but that is because practically EVERYONE who lived in his time was a racist. Darwin was actually LESS racist than most of his colleagues.

    The idea of evolution has nothing whatsoever to do with racism. Darwin did not "invent" evolution for purposes of being racist, he came up with the idea because it seemed to be the best way to explain certain observations he had made about a variety of different animals in the Galapagos Islands. Evolution does not advocate racism at all.... in fact, it does the very opposite. Evolution says that we are all the same species and that we all came from the same common ancestor. It emphasizes our similarities, and asserts that our differences pale in comparison.

  6. evolution wasn't invented, it is the facts which have brought us to this point. creationism is the really dangerous viewpoint, upheld by the church to try to keep us with the yoke of ignorance on our shoulders to stop us asking questions.

  7. Darwin is an idiot! Anyone who believes in evolution instead of the Holy Word of God, is not the brightest crayon in the box! GOD, our Father is the Almighty Creator of this world!

    Darwin fans may want to think their ancestors are hairy, tree swinging, banana eating and butt scratching animals, I on the other hand care to have belief and faith that I came from a wonderful Creator our Heavenly Father God!!

  8. Yes,and that is easily proven by reading his book.

  9. He said he was looking forward to going to the Galapagos islands so he might be able to shoot the king of the cannibals. I would say that was racist.

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