
Is David Cameron aware it is dangerous to drive on the right?

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Even in countries where driving on the right is the law there are many reasons for saying every country should drive on the left.

When changing gear in a UK car with the steering wheel on the right your left hand changes gear and your right hand stays on the steering wheel, (this is safer for right handed people.)

Right handed people who are also "right eyed" have the traffic coming toward them on their right in left hand driving areas , which is the way "right eyed" people are able to react better

Reversing UK people hold the steering wheel with the right hand and look over the left shoulder to the rear window. In a USA car you must hold the steering wheel with your left hand and look over your right shoulder to look out of the rear window.. So you must reverse with your left hand on the steering wheel.. Or stick your head out of the window if you want to use your right hand




  1. If driving a car from the left hand seat is such a danger then why in the racing and rallying world are so many cars even British built and run cars fitted out for left hand drive.

    I personally drive both with equal safety.

  2. When reversing you should keep both hands on the steering wheel ;-)

  3. I don't agree at all. I'm right-handed, right-eyed, right-everything, and have never had a single problem with anything you brought up. Anyone capable of driving a motor vehicle should be able to keep it under control equally well with either hand without giving it a second thought.

    Being right- or left-eyed is irrelevant. That only comes into play when you're looking into a telescope, microscope, camera, etc. and close one eye. When both eyes are open and looking at distances, they work together and it's not a problem.

    I think that every country should stick to whatever side they're driving on now. People are used to it. Changing would lead to mass confusion and a horrendous accident rate before everyone eventually got accustomed to it. It's not worth it.

  4. You are right but right hand side driving countries  are too embarrassed to admit they have made a catastrophic mistake

    There is significant evidence that in the days of the Roman Empire everyone drove on the left. (That's one in the eye for Hollywood!).  This was partly because one mounts a horse from its left (we all do) and it was sensible not to be doing this whilst out 'in the traffic'.

    Also, carters needed their right arms free to wave swords at would-be attackers. Therefore they sat on the right hand end of the driver's bench. When carts passed each other the drivers needed to be sure that they actually missed each other so they passed "driver to driver". I.e. they drove on the left.

    Evidence from Roman gold mines indicates that they drove on the left. The ruts left by the loaded carts leaving the mine are on the left side of the road whilst lighter empty carts entered on their left side.

    Everyone in Europe changed to driving on the right when Napoleon started mucking around because he was LEFT handed and driving on the RIGHT is better for LEFT HANDED people .

  5. I'm personally very glad that that T.W.A.T is making a complete fool of himself and he blames Gordon Brown of being 'bungling'.... Aye Right!!!!.... he just beggars belief.

  6. I've never even thought about this - I'm left-handed and don't even think about it - I just drive the way I was taught.

  7. And I agree with you 100 percent, leave well enough alone.........................

  8. Two megalomaniacs Napoleon and Hitler between them caused many to drive on the right, both were wrong to do so

    Instinctively right handed people tend to drive on the left hand side of the road as seen where the driving position is central (bicycle, stage coach &c.) and where no rules exist (not many places nowadays). Those European countries where rules existed almost all drove on the left. Then came a megalomaniac (Napoleon Bonaparte) who wanted change in order to leave his mark and changed those countries he conquered to right hand running. Much later a similar bloke (Adolf Hitler) overran most of the rest and changed them in the interests of uniformity and efficiency.

  9. I suppose that this question was provoked by Cameron's string of road traffic offences.

    The problem with Mr Cameron and other politicians who think that they can flout the law and then get away with it by grinning and saying "sorry"; is not whether they think it's dangerous or not, it's that they don't care. They are above the Law.

    As long as the individual politician is not prosecuted for their crimes then they will continue to stich two fingers up at the rest of us.

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