
Is David Davis right to force a by-election over the <span title="insidious,surreptitious&relentless">insidious,surreptitious&r...</span> erosion ofour Liberty?

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Is David Davis right to force a by-election over the insidious,surreptitious&r... erosion ofour Liberty?




  1. It&#039;s a waste of money, a waste of time and just plain selfishness. If he believe&#039;s that his constituency, why not just hold a referendum?

    I personally would rather my civil liberties eroded for protection of society as a whole.

    Also, it is shocking for a Conservative to care about civil liberties.

  2. Most MPs are like schoolchildren, doing what they are told when they are told, even voting how they are told. This is not good for our democracy especially when there&#039;s a control-freak mentality at the top (from Blair and Campbell to Brown and his crew).

    This erosion of our civil liberties is a truly important issue. We are the most watched nation in the world. But by whom? By everyone from cameras in the roads and police cars to security guards to local councils everywhere. For God&#039;s sake, they&#039;ve started putting cameras onto bins now, to &quot;catch those criminals who fill their bins too much&quot; (people have literally ended up with a criminal record over this).

    David Davis? You have to put your politics aside and admire one of the very few politicians in the UK who puts his principles before his lords and masters in Parliament. This is how Parliament should be run - we should elect people to say what they think, not what they are told to think.

    In my opinion, everyone should applaud and support David Davis (and I&#039;ve never voted Tory in my life). This is a serious issue he has raised and it demands serious debate.

  3. If he feels that strongly fair play to him, although I&#039;m not sure the 42 days thing is that big a deal with the general public.

  4. whilst I admire him taking a stand for his beliefs when opinion polls show the majority of the voting public are in favour of 42 day detention, surely the cost of forcing a by-election, which he perceives winning, could be considered slightly more foolhardy than noble. A fact that hasn&#039;t been overlooked by his constituents.

  5. The whole bloody country should be screaming to get them out. And get us out of the EU aswell

  6. Yes I admire him for making a stand! Pity we do not have more Mp&#039;s like him...

  7. Personally, I think he is wrong.

    It is very unlikely that anyone will be suspected of terrorism and so on, without some foundation in fact.

    Forty two days is not long to prepare a case against any suspect, so the authorities need a chance.

    If they let these people go, then it&#039;s odds-on they&#039;ll just disappear, to carry on with their often deadly work elsewhere.

    It&#039;s the old story, human rights always seem to work in favour of the perpetrators of crime, instead of the victims.

    There are some countries of the world where they would just be shot - so perhaps they&#039;re lucky in England.

  8. so he would sooner we let terror suspects go free and walk amongst us they are not suspects for nothing the guys a lunatic

  9. some one has to do something. so good for him

    edit meooow .it seems to me that you&#039;re the racist one around here.

  10. I was all for David Davis to spring a by election on the 42 days, but this was until I read that it is going to cost the voting public in his constituency £75,000. In these times of economy for all

    I suggest he pays for this himself. It&#039;s all well and good having principles, but not when other people are paying the cost.

    Lets see his integrity go as far as putting his hand in his pocket.

  11. no forcing a by election is not the best way to make your point over 42 days i don&#039;t care about 42 days i`m more concerned about the country

  12. yes, he has done a very honorable thing. this 42 day bill is just another attempt by this racist English government of oppressing our muslim brothers and sisters in England, who are already being targeted by racism and now governmental racism

    he has done the right thing. this is a multicultural society not an english cultural society. the sooner people accept this the better

  13. It provides the British people with a further opportunity to object to this Government. He is simply flying a kite with the 42 day thing. His main point is, that our freedoms are being eroded.

    I think that given the exceptional circumstances created by this Government, we can&#039;t afford to wait another two years. So yes, I agree with his proposed action.

  14. Yes he has, &amp; I think he has great integrity to stand by his own beliefs.

    Why 42 days.?.... what next, 420 days.?

  15. No. Its just like a child throwing his toys from the pram to get its own way.

    I suppose he would like to see terrorists let free to kill and injure us in the UK AND ALSO OTHER COUNTRIES.

  16. Yes. I think he genuinely feels strongly about the way Labour is turning Britain into a police state and I&#039;m impressed by him.

    People who would trade centuries old British legal rights for security are pathetic cowards who bend over for terrorists.

  17. I think it&#039;s the most honourable thing a politican has done for ages.

    Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? How many potential cases will be dragged out into 30 days if there is less pressure to get things resolved promptly?

    Small chips at our liberty will cause a big crack.

  18. Typical of the double standards of the loony right to be more concerned about the human rights of terrorists than our own people.I remember how the Torys treated the miners the new age travellers and the poll tax demonstrators.Where were their principles then.

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