
Is David Icke Right?

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If yes (or no) which bits is he right about and where is the evidence?




  1. He may very well be off his trolly, but I kind of like him.  I think the lizard thing is spiritual and not physical.  He very well might be peeping into a world not seen by the majority of us,  But that would be because of his involvement in the occult.

    We are forbidden to delve you know, and when we do there is a cause and effect.  He is messing with a recipe for cake that contains ingredients us humans are not supposed to partake in.  The additives are not for human consumption.

  2. its hard to say if he is right or wrong , "what are we willing to believe "

  3. he's pleasantly eccentric

  4. When he commentated on the snooker on BBC he couldn't pick the winner of the Embassy World Championship.

    What chance has he got with the end of the world ?

  5. He's a sandwich short of a picnic and you already have the evidence.

  6. Disproving the government ; Yes.

  7. Yes.

    People always told me that he was  mad and spoke nonsense because he said he is "the son of god". I watched a documentary about him and found out that he got his information from his spirit guide. He had a good job as a respected spots man presenter and he gave up all of his security, to tell people about aliens, the royal family.  Regardless of what you think he did all of this alone and because of that, I respect him.

  8. He's off his trolley.

  9. David Icke Is completely fruit loops in my humble opinion.


    "The Jews are direct descendants from the "Annunaki".

    They call them "The Nephilim" to destract us.

    They sent the "Jews" to punish us, to split us up and make us Fight each other.

    In everyday life, year after year, War after War.

    This Bigger Brighter Better is just designed to make the Kids of today feel small.

    Everything we do today is designed to depress us make us in line, i.e. Robots.

    They feed us c**p because they took away our Freedom to grow and cook our own Food.

    They poison our water to sell us Coca Cola, wich is an addictive Poison.

    And so on.

    Everything Negative in Society comes from the Jews and/or the Freemasons.

    Every war, every Religion."

    Could you be any more poisonous and anti-semetic if you tried?

  10. No, he's not all the ticket

  11. I believe he's a paranoid schizophrenic.
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