
Is David millipede going to challenge Gordon Brown in the autumn?

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opinions please, friends.




  1. Well any new labour person who would like to be PM has only two years to do it in, as new labour will not be in power again for decades after this debacle called a 'government'.

  2. Yes I think he is plotting to stab poor Gordon in the back (poor poor, Gordon, no one likes poor Gordon)

  3. No,

    But i wish someone would,

  4. It looks like it but I will be surprised if he doe's.

  5. Looks like he will.

    Out with one idiot and in with another, great!

  6. Gordon will win if its arm wrestling

  7. We, your friends, noticed that your wit ran out before you got to Gordon Brown so we all got together and thought up Gordo Boom n bust for you. Hazel came up with 'Will Gordo 'Fall' in the Autumn?' Geddit? and Jason says his money is on Harriet Harperson.

  8. From one pr*ck to the next im afraid.

    We surely cant have 2 unelected prime ministers in 1 term can we........:)

  9. I can picture Gordon Brown dressed as an old school tutor screaming down at David Milliband saying: "YOU HAVEN'T DONE YOUR HOMEWORK!"


  10. Yes!The challengers are in there now!Weighing up the odds!Counting up the possible votes!But who are the Challengers?Harriet Harman,David Miliband,Jim O'Donnell,just to name a few!

    But what is Gordon Brown doing??I am beginning to wonder if he planning a pre emptive strike!Forcing a vote of confidence in his abysmal leadership at the Labour Conference in September!

  11. Its looking more likely. He is being VERY careful in his approach. God forbid he comes across as the hunter stalking his prey that Gordon was to Tony in his dying days. He should come clean about his intentions sooner rather than later otherwise he could be seen as ditehering, being indecisive, and, frankly, taking the pee out of a public who are desperate to see the back of Mr Happy. . .

    PS he will have a fan in me forever if he rids us of that vile uppity cow harriet harman (lower case intentional)

  12. He's on a hiding to nothing if he does.  the Labour party are doomed regardless.

    They will cling onto power because so many will lose their seats come the next election - no more large salaries and generous expenses.

    Blair is to blame just as much as the Prudent One, he got out just in time, but a lot of their problems can be laid at his door.

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