
Is Death Final?

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Simply put, Is Death really the end?

I'm not just talking about heaven or h**l. I'm talking about maybe attaining another level existence. In the answers that I get I would much prefer Philosophical and well thought out answers.




  1. Life has several missions. the last mission of human at living in the world is death. I just now this & nothing about after life, because i have never tasted it!

  2. without heaven or h**l...yes. i think it is the end my friend.

  3. I believe that once we die we are reincarnated. we prolly stay dead for a while float around till we're summoned up to live again. kinda weird huh?

  4. death is the end, imo.

  5. The question can't be fully answered becasue all answers depend on opinions, preconceptions and assumptions.

    I belive that there is an after life. I just don't believe it is as simple as a happy ever after. Religon is man made.

    Being connected to the Creator of the universe is the key.

    h**l was and often used as a scare tactic.

    Us being tested and tried by a loving God just can't be right.

    I personally had a death experience. Some call it near death. To me it is death. I was in the white light and the feeling is amazing. Not one human negitive feeling. It is when I came back to life that was so difficult that I never want to experience it again.

    In a way I would like death to be the ending and my energy is recycled back in to the universe. I am actually afraid of going to a spiritual place. Being human is all I know. I figure if indeed God created the universe ( I do believe it) then that powerful energy is so way beyond our understand that I have learned to not question the what if of it all. It boggles my brain. My personal experience tells me that I will either go in to the white light and enter a spiritual world or I will  enter the white light and just be totally gone. No soul, no spirit, no more life like energy.

    I had my youngest son die and it really has opened my brain to so many questions. It has been close to six years now and I am still upset that he is no longer in his body. I am not totally upset, but ocassionally I think on it too much.

  6. 5 seconds after your death, you will be brought in front of the Lord in His White Throne.. You gotta answer all the things that he'ask (with a video-like) showing all the things you've done. Then, there's a two judgement that will be bound to you...

    Heaven or h**l.

    99%  of people dying are in h**l,

    are you one of the 1%?????

  7. no one really knows

    however it seems unlikely we exist "by accident"- the world is simply too complex for that. And if so- then there is a creator (physical or spiritual) and also some before- and after- life (or existence of some sort

    of course such an answer causes the creation of more questions. But every answer concerning the beginning of life- or the ending of it- has the same - unanswerable - parts.

    It might be that we simply have no means of understanding the problem. A bit like octopuses discussing space flight...

  8. This is something you have to answer yourself.  No one can say one way or the other because no human being (so far) can prove one way or the other.  

    It's all opinionated when it comes down to it, so really, like I said, it's all up to you.  

    Personaly, I would go insane if I didn't have some hope for another sort of existance after this life.

  9. I personally have never been dead and dont know whether Ive been living before!To me,death is the end!All other things are just theories!

  10. I have been told there is a afterlife, alot of people believe this to be correct, but many people i know say there is no life after death and that death is final . But someone said to me not long ago that when you die and are buried your being recycled back to nature as time goes by and natural processes take over. I have to say that i hadnt heard anything like that before. Would be nice to think that we can be reuninted with the ones we have lost. Good Question.

  11. Death is the end of the line man.

  12. No.

    There is no point to all this suffering if there was no reward or punishment in the end.
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