
Is Death as important as Life? Should we save lives simply because we can?

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I think death is as important as life. Every body on earth shouldn't live as long as we can prolong their life through surgery and other unnatural means. The opportunity for new life is as important as the enjoyment of the lives that are being lead today. In order to assure room for new life things must die. Death to me equals change and life is in constant change. Do not fear change as what you are today and who you are today is always changing. A part of who you are is many parts of what came before you. Do not fear death instead, welcome change. Embracing change will assure room for creation to continue a new through birth and change in the next generation of Earthlings.




  1. Death is necessary in nature. People can try to manipulate it as long as they can, but nature will take it's course.

  2. Life is a precious gift and should be treated as such.  Humans are born with a desire to live.  We were never actually meant to die.  One day people will have the opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth... Psalms 37:10. 11

  3. Umm I would want to prolong my husbands, daughters or anyone else's life that I love.  Any means necessary... surgery included!

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