
Is Declan Galbraith g*y?

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  1.  full g*y

  2.  muy g*y

  3. what is his facebook?

  4.  Wow some of you guys are really annoying, how does asking if he's g*y mean u hate him, are trying to defame him, or are saying "mean things about him". You should be ashamed for associating homosexuality with someone saying they hate him. The person who is asking could be g*y themselves and want to know out of curiousity.

    Again, you should be ashamed

  5. no no no >>> he is not >>> I love my Declan ..... don't say like that ....

  6. da tu asta care ai intrebat esti g*y??

    ca vad ca pe toti ii face.ti g*y

  7. ok no is g*y its girlfriend is lian fernanda no is g*y

  8. u all should be ashamed of yourself trying to defame him like this....he is not g*y AND NEVER EVER WILL BE...UNDERSTAND!!!!!SHEEZZZ...U PEOPLE REALLY SHOULD GET A LIFE...I wonder why u people hate him so much until u people accused him of being g*y...has he done anything to u guys..NOOOO!!!!he just sing for u guys for GOD sake...U people should really think twice before u open your mouth...BTW,F.Y.I, he is college now and further his studies...he soon find his love of his life then...and for his sake and for his fanz sake, i would advise u to delete this post..thank you GUD bye!!!

  9. of course not! i hate them that hate him. he is not g*y, understand? never ever!

  10. ok the name is lian fernanda of the girl

  11. no is lian fernanda your girlfriend okay? is su name of the girl

  12. no

  13. even if he is (and it doent matter one way or another) i just hope if he is people will still love him when he comes out. it can be so hard to come out to family and friends, i cant imagine having to do it in front of the whole planet. so... lets all just pray that when the time comes for him to feel comfortable coming out, if he is g*y, that things go well for him. he's such a good little singer and seems like a genuinely nice guy. Good luck Declan!!!

  14. I just to Declan's Parents on FOD and they told me Declan is dating Shannin Abbott almost 3 1/2 years already.

  15. maybe i think he is not because he has a girlfriend actually im jealous cau i ove him soo much♥♥♥♥

  16. haha lol his gf is not that pretty

  17. i think all the people who answers that he is g*y.....i think there are right!!

  18. yes he is g*y u all better know this. im 100% serious. record lablels think that if u have 2 guys in video it wont sell and young stupid teenage girls are the 1s who get obsessed and will but the music/products. any girlfriend is fake. why do u think soo many "hearthrobs" come out instead of saying it from the start. especialy if u started as a child?

  19. Of course not. He isn't g*y, he has never been and won't be :D he's a fantastic singer amazing person and I love him ^^.

  20. No no no no no no
    He's Not !
    Godness !! I Don' know how could you say that about someone like Him !
    I Love Declan Galbraith <3
    n You Cannot Prove It

  21. Even if he is g*y or not, at least Declan is happy with his life.

  22. just because he dresses nice and sings meaningful songs does not mean he's g*y....

  23. yes he is g*y

  24. just get lost fuckers...of course he is not g*y..u might be g*y but not him

  25. I`m pretty much sure he is, and being one myself this would be just cool haha^^ jk jk.. I just hope if he is, that it doesn`t make his life impossible, coz I know it can be very hard and heavy to hold this inside days after weeks after years... it becomes very painful:(  Good luck to you Declan if you're g*y.. you have all my support and the one of your true fans:D

  26. Many g*y guys pretend to have girlfriends at first, but i'm quite sure he's g*y.

  27. idk but he is a great singer now, then, and forever no matter if he is g*y or stright or both i will still love his sound and his message that he has on all of his songs:)

  28. yes I've seen shannin abbott facebook..and she's so beautiful..

  29. yes he is bent as a roundabout

  30. No.....No...

  31. he have girlfriend but maybe he hidding a secret he could be also bisexual!!^^

  32. wat declan galbraith facebook could ya tell me plz and the best thing is his b'day on 19th of december and mines on 20th hehe

  33. No. He has a girlfriend. Her name is shannin abbott. It say so on his face book. :-P

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