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full g*y
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 8 month(s) ago
muy g*y
what is his facebook?
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Wow some of you guys are really annoying, how does asking if he's g*y mean u hate him, are trying to defame him, or are saying "mean things about him". You should be ashamed for associating homosexuality with someone saying they hate him. The person who is asking could be g*y themselves and want to know out of curiousity. Again, you should be ashamed
no no no >>> he is not >>> I love my Declan ..... don't say like that ....
da tu asta care ai intrebat esti g*y??
ca vad ca pe toti ii face.ti g*y
Latest activity: 10 years, 8 month(s) ago. This question has 33 answers.