
Is Democracy good for the world? China? Iraq? Socialism? ?

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Democracy does not mean good or bad. It means the closest thing to stability man has come up with yet. When more power is in the hands of a few people things can get done fast and get done quite well as they are in china now ( the city planning is amazing ). BUT that can and does change from generation to generation. Power in the hands of a few ppl can bring GREAT prosperity and wealth... but it can just as easily bring GREAT pain and destrucion. Use any history book as proof of that. Can any civilized nation leave itself open to having their kids either going to prosper or starve and to go war all on the flip of a coin? Yes they can, but their kids might pay... or maybe not. Does democracy work? Because of human nature it is also very succeptable to corruption and consolidation of power... but the battle of a democracy is to stop that and turn it around. Right now the u.s.a. is dangerous because of large mulitnational corporations and government working together and consolodating power. The whole point of democracy is to stop this from happening though. A country should not be left to the whims of a few ppl with who can do anything they want... things being good now does not mean they will be in the future. Democracy is not perfect and quite frankly is failing in most western nations, but with any luck it is just the down-side of a cycle that will quickly reverse itself once ppl realize that there are consequences to their actions. Some how most westerners have forgotten this. Democracy is not perfect, but it is the best any human has come up with. Any ideas on better ways to run a democracy? Lets hear it now. Why does the west want to spread democracy to the middle east? Its not because we really give a c**p about the freedom of those ppl, but rather because we like to eat. Western nations do not want to control oil there so much as just stabilize the region by eliminating dictators that do whatever they want. This is in the benefit of the whole world unitl a new energy source if found. Everyone complains about the americans in Iraq, but the fact is they are doing the dirty work of the world. Everyone else wants to play innocent... including china. The fact is if the u.s.a. stops being a super power ( likely )and china becomes a super power it will be china sending its troops to the middle east. It takes approx 10 calories of oil for every calorie of food and that number is going up every day. The fact is every country and everyone will fight for food when it is being controlled by unstable governments. This is the only reason democracy is being pushed... Democracy is a choice that all free countries will logically come to in order to better themselves. Unfortunately the world is just as likely to fall into mass socialism where each person is a victim that needs the government for everything. The problem with this is that if no competition exists to this system ( such as the u.s.a. for china ) then there is no reason for the state or country to improve. China is improving extremely fast, but that is only because of competition which would not exist if the world was all socialist. The final result of the world would be much like some native reserves today. People need to work and get better at something to be truly happy and to succeed and learn ( this is the only way the human race can move forward )... ( as much fun as playing games is... the ability for ppl to do even that comes from someone working hard to become rich ) and only in systems like that can the world succeed.




  1. Democracy does not mean good or bad. It means the closest thing to stability man has come up with yet. When more power is in the hands of a few people things can get done fast and get done quite well as they are in china now ( the city planning is amazing ). BUT that can and does change from generation to generation. Power in the hands of a few ppl can bring GREAT prosperity and wealth... but it can just as easily bring GREAT pain and destrucion. Use any history book as proof of that. Can any civilized nation leave itself open to having their kids either going to prosper or starve and to go war all on the flip of a coin? Yes they can, but their kids might pay... or maybe not. Does democracy work? Because of human nature it is also very succeptable to corruption and consolidation of power... but the battle of a democracy is to stop that and turn it around. Right now the u.s.a. is dangerous because of large mulitnational corporations and government working together and consolodating power. The whole point of democracy is to stop this from happening though. A country should not be left to the whims of a few ppl with who can do anything they want... things being good now does not mean they will be in the future. Democracy is not perfect and quite frankly is failing in most western nations, but with any luck it is just the down-side of a cycle that will quickly reverse itself once ppl realize that there are consequences to their actions. Some how most westerners have forgotten this. Democracy is not perfect, but it is the best any human has come up with. Any ideas on better ways to run a democracy? Lets hear it now. Why does the west want to spread democracy to the middle east? Its not because we really give a c**p about the freedom of those ppl, but rather because we like to eat. Western nations do not want to control oil there so much as just stabilize the region by eliminating dictators that do whatever they want. This is in the benefit of the whole world unitl a new energy source if found. Everyone complains about the americans in Iraq, but the fact is they are doing the dirty work of the world. Everyone else wants to play innocent... including china. The fact is if the u.s.a. stops being a super power ( likely )and china becomes a super power it will be china sending its troops to the middle east. It takes approx 10 calories of oil for every calorie of food and that number is going up every day. The fact is every country and everyone will fight for food when it is being controlled by unstable governments. This is the only reason democracy is being pushed... Democracy is a choice that all free countries will logically come to in order to better themselves. Unfortunately the world is just as likely to fall into mass socialism where each person is a victim that needs the government for everything. The problem with this is that if no competition exists to this system ( such as the u.s.a. for china ) then there is no reason for the state or country to improve. China is improving extremely fast, but that is only because of competition which would not exist if the world was all socialist. The final result of the world would be much like some native reserves today. People need to work and get better at something to be truly happy and to succeed and learn ( this is the only way the human race can move forward )... ( as much fun as playing games is... the ability for ppl to do even that comes from someone working hard to become rich ) and only in systems like that can the world succeed.

    fsdafjnsa digjbwerjng sdajgndsjkgndsakjgndsakj fndsfdfjnsdakfj nsdkfn dskjnfg skjangksdj ngs ngskg sdgwjgierg erugeriu geiru hgeiruhg eihgieuhg isaghiuwgfi ugfewi gsidugf iufg ifre giruhg irugsjfnagsajdng sad;gkjn saig saDemocracy does not mean good or bad. It means the closest thing to stability man has come up with yet. When more power is in the hands of a few people things can get done fast and get done quite well as they are in china now ( the city planning is amazing ). BUT that can and does change from generation to generation. Power in the hands of a few ppl can bring GREAT prosperity and wealth... but it can just as easily bring GREAT pain and destrucion. Use any history book as proof of that. Can any civilized nation leave itself open to having their kids either going to prosper or starve and to go war all on the flip of a coin? Yes they can, but their kids might pay... or maybe not. Does democracy work? Because of human nature it is also very succeptable to corruption and consolidation of power... but the battle of a democracy is to stop that and turn it around. Right now the u.s.a. is dangerous because of large mulitnational corporations and government working together and consolodating power. The whole point of democracy is to stop this from happening though. A country should not be left to the whims of a few ppl with who can do anything they want... things being good now does not mean they will be in the future. Democr

  2. First of all: Shame on you for posting a wall of text.  Learn to love paragraphs.

    Secondly, there are only two types of people that ever advocate not liberating people:

    - People who are oppressing other people

    - People who are already free

  3. There's an old french saying

    "Those under 30 that don't want socialism have no heart. Those older than 30 who want socialism have no head."

    Sometimes democracy is not good. Our federal reserve head dude is not elected democratically. (alan greenspan). He is elected. If he was nominated, this country would be in in the toilet economically.

  4. Wow! I hope you got that off your chest!

    Yes, our form is the best form of government. The checks and balances ensure that selfishness cannot take over completely, yet we have freedoms that are necessary. Ideally it's balanced between too strong a federal gov't and too much freedom.

    Allowing anyone to do as they please is not freedom, because your freedom ends where my nose begins.

    We also have to pay for belonging to this wonderful Club-USA by paying our taxes so we can have good benefits like safe roads and police and fire protection, etc..  

  5. Democracy is the GREATEST idea mankind ever had.  Commumism, as you say, has some early economic boons, much like lenins Russia in the early 1920s (NEP) and Early Stalin Russia in the mid 1930s..  Like the USSR, it is all down hill from there.

    Edit:  Ok why the h**l did I get thumbs down, I thought democracy was what America stood for?  Are there Neo n**i's and Soviets in here I don't know about?

  6. What is this an essay?

    There are some fallacies in your argument. You are making a lot of points and you are not really backing them up with facts.

    You make a lot of assumptions and I don't think you are qualified to make them. Democracy isn't living up to his ideal just like Communism could not, how can you be sure it will work for the rest of the world? And just who the h**l are you to define how people are truly happy? It is a bit of jumping to the conclusion when you say the Chinese would be in Iraq if not the Americans

    I am not saying people living in China is having the best of their time either. I am just not so sure democracy and especially the American democracy is the best way to go. After all, this is where George Bush happens.

    And if i may point out, I don't think socialism is a way of governing, the last time i check its more of an economic thing then a political thing, i hope i remember my stuff form high school right. To be "un-socialist" means there would be no minimum wage nor welfare. And these kinds of things tend to make America more appealing then to lets say China who has a dictatorship.

    And I can't understand why you think putting the resources in the Westerners' hands would stable the world? I am guessing they are more capitalistic (free market) referring to your point about competitions. Please if you can elaborate

    Living in California, i have first hand experince with the american democracy and so far it hasn't been all that great. Aronold was put into office by vote and his mean of cuttign the deficit is to put all government workers to minimum wage. George Bush was put into office by vote and he has invited a war and high gas prices to me.

    I appeciate our form of government but i dont think it is by any chance the best man kind can come up with. And bascially, doesnt matter where you go in this world, you are most likley to be fu-ed if you are poor

  7. First, a disclosure that I didn't make it more than a couple of lines into that whopper of a paragraph (move over, Wm Faulkner!!!).

    But, that being said, I think capitalism is the great stabilizer, not democracy. Countries like China, India, Korea and Japan all have non-existent or volatile democracies, but are very stable nations.

  8. yes, but ONLY if you choose it. like let's say in Israel the president isn't chosen by the people. if the people in palestine vote. they would have a muslm president. Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Kashmir, and so on. all those countries are being forced to accept democracy. is that democracy. the U.S simply says "do as we say, or face destruction in a disguise way" like lying and saying they are terrorist. a whole country and a religon for that matter cannot be terrorist, if it was. the whole world would be at a figh.

  9. wow, that is the longest "question" i have read on here.  you hae so much right, but so much more is just screwed up.  we are in a representative republic, dictators can get things done faster, most generally at the expense of their people.   the big horrible u.s companies are not the evil monsters you make them out to be.  the u.s does keep its eys on what is good for itself, but you better believe we have an awful lot of humanitarian reasons for doing the things we do too.  i can't bear to go back and read anymore so i'll leave it there.

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