
Is Derek Jeter over rated???

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seems like hes making more mistakes than ever

also what was the world people use when the Shortstop makes a play alot like Jeter...i think its Jeterig or IDK do you???

he plays every one straight up never changes his position and hes bat is kinda well lets say frozen and he doesnt even steal bases any more so why do they keep showing that Gatoraid commerical??

hes on track to strike out 100 times hes having his lowest year as far as singles and homeruns and Run (though he never was a power hitter

i guess im just mad that he got the gold glove last year it realy should have gone to Orlando Cabrerra

does any one feel the same

also I HATE THE YANKESS may you never win again

DODGERS for life

LA owns you




  1. derek jeter is overrated he should of not made it in the all-star game

  2. NO!  

  3. Jeter is Garbage. Overrated and overpaid. I like how his career highlight reel shows 4 different plays over and over. and nothing that outstanding either. jumping into the stands for a foul ball and the cut off play at the plate? those were c**p plays that any major leaguer should make. MANNY IS THE ****!!!!

  4. How the h**l does LA own the Yankees? blasphemy!!!!! Derek Jeter might be having a down year but he's better than anything your sorry excuse for a basball team has ever had. Four chmpionships; plain and simple. He's still batting above .280 and dont forget; the guy is clutch......ask the A's.........they know.  

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