
Is Derek Jeter still a top 3 shortstop in the majors?

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Is Derek Jeter still a top 3 shortstop in the majors?




  1. not anymore, he is a top 10 though

  2. 1. Hanley Ramirez

    2. Jose Reyes

    3. Jimmy Rollins

  3. yes

  4. Heck no!

  5. didnt think he was ever a top 3...heck, hes not even the best on his team (see: A-rod)  

  6. I don't know, I think Reyes, Ramirez and Furcal are all better defensively and offensively.  

  7. NO

    Hanley Ramirez

    Jose Reyes

    Stephen Drew

  8. derek jeter is old and busted.. he is no longer that good in my eyes.. but that dosent seem to matter he is rated #2 on espn

  9. yes he is and he deserves it  

  10. Just take a look at the NL East and you will find that they are superior to Jeter.  Jeter was an amazing player but he is on the down turn of his career.

  11. top 3 this year no

    top 3 when going good yes

    love or hate derek jeter he set the way for all theese young shortstops the tulowitski's and the hanley rameriez

    dey all grew up idolzing jeter

  12. Yes

    1.Hanley Ramirez

    2.Derek Jeter

    3.Jose Reyes

    Note: Lol at "Nettie S" for having Stephen Drew in his/her list.

  13. Defensively - no.  It's questionable whether he ever was - his Gold Glove appears to have been given more for offensive ability than defense.

    He's not really there offensively either.  Among all MLB shortstops in 2008, he currently ranks 8th in OPS - certainly in the top tier, but not in the top 3.

  14. no way!

    Jeter is the MOST over rated player in baseball no questions asked...

    Hanley Ramirez

    Jose Reyes

    Ryan Theriot

  15. Yes. His range in the field has declined significantly over the last three seasons but he hits great in the clutch. He has managed to put up very good offensive numbers in New York, a city with a media and fan base that is very hard on it's players.  

  16. He'll always be Top 3 until he retires.  I'm a Red Sox fan, raised in the Boston area, but Jeter is a great shortstop, no matter who he plays for.

  17. not even close..

  18. Statistically, not any more.

    But, if I'm in the playoffs and it's a big game...I would take him in an instant over Ramirez, Reyes and maybe even Rollins.

  19. He's still a great player but not in top 3 currently at the shortstop position but SS's like Reyes, Rollins & H. Ramirez playing he's not quite as good as them defensively but will any of these talented players end up with career stats like Jeter when they reach his age & will they make into HOF like Jeter?  Time will tell

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