
Is Diet Coke effective for anyone trying to lose weight?

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I've started dieting and excercising, and I only drink water, milk, and diet coke. Should I cut the diet coke, or can I still drink it because it won't harm me in trying to lose weight?




  1. There are more tips and info.

    How to lose weight naturally has been in debate for years.

    Some say low carb. Some say high carb. Some say it's how much food. Some say it's how much exercise. But none of these covers the whole picture.

    How to lose weight naturally is not rocket science. It just takes accepting the facts of these seven natural laws of weight loss, plus good old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness.

    Seven Laws of How to Lose Weight Naturally

    1. Make a commitment to whatever it takes.

    2. Start from a foundation of happiness.

    3. Design your own healthy diet plan.

    4. Manage your emotions.

    5. Find a way to exercise daily.

    6. Keep a Journal.

    7. Be persistent.

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

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  2. Diet drinks are not good for you.  All those chemicals and artificial sweeteners!  Stick to pure water, nothing flavored or sweetened, just plain old water, and a little skim milk now and again.  Steer clear of diet foods of any kind, and especially diet colas.  Good luck!

  3. I wouldn't give it up entirely. Though, I would greatly reduce your intake of it. Diet coke contains aspartame which has been shown to reduce your bodies ability to lose weight. Aspartame is a dangerous artificial sugar, and dieters should back off of it as much as possible.

    A few times per week (say 24 ounces) will not hurt much, but a few sodas per day can really damage your insides.  

  4. Actually, if you do your research you will find that people who drink Diet Coke instead of regular Coke tend to either lose LESS weight, or put on more weight, than those who drink regular Coke.

    I have definately found this.  If I drink regular Coke, it feels more filling and satisfying than Diet.  If I drink Diet Coke, I tend to drink like 6 cans a day!!!!  And well, if I am drinking pop I am usually snacking.  

    But either way...your fluid intake is seriously lacking in variety and nutrients.  You should add some fluids with vitamins (a.k.a. juice) or something.  Also, try adding some tea to your diet...tea has been suggested to make you feel fuller and eat less.  

  5. Just dump the lolly water mate. Milk is my favorite fluid (after beer of cause) but water is all we need to be healthy.

  6. My rule is this, if it isn't beneficial, its still doing harm. There are no nutritional benefits from soda so it is not the best thing to be drinking on a daily basis.

    I would cut it out mostly but not entirely so that you don't end up craving and binging on it anyway. Give yourself a day like maybe Sundays where you will allow yourself 2 cans for example as a reward for doing so good on your diet.

    A little known fact, some Navy seals follow a STRICT diet 6 days out of the week and on the 7th day will eat as they please to satisfy normal human cravings. another interesting fact is that once you eat right for a consistent length of time, your cravings for sweets and junk will go away or at least be extremely minimized.

    Best of luck and congratulations on making the decision to lose weight! YOU CAN DO IT!!

    **amber is right about tea but be sure it is GREEN tea, black or regular tea is not recommended for weight loss. Also go herbal (mint, chamomile, most fruit teas are herbal)

  7. lose the diet coke. it's pretty useless. replace it with fruit juice. save yourself the money.

  8. Those are pretty much the same things I drink, with the addition to Diet Dr Pepper too.

    The diet drinks haven't hurt me at all, and I've been progressively gaining results. Even still, I try not to drink them except with meals. I drink milk in the mornings and after my workouts (with whey protein powder).

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