
Is Digital Radio available here in Australia and where can I buy a reasonable radio unit?

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Is Digital Radio available here in Australia and where can I buy a reasonable radio unit?




  1. Digital radio is certainly available all over the world.

    To buy a reasonable radio unit, you can buy it in some special shops. But it will cost a lot. Well, I bought a mp4 with digital radio suported weeks ago from a online shop, I can not only enjoy the music and movie I download but also enjoy the radio now and then. And you can go to the shop for the radio if you like.

  2. Digital radio is certainly available all over the world.

    To buy a reasonable radio unit, you can buy it in some special shops. But it will cost a lot. Well, I bought a  mp4 with digital radio suported weeks ago from a online shop, I can not only enjoy the music and movie I download  but also enjoy the radio now and then. And you can go to the shop for the radio if  you like.

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